Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Steve Hockensmith at The Poisoned Pen!


Since Denis and I have had a spate of medical issues, our attendance at my favorite bookstore's author events has been drastically curtailed. Now that we're finally beginning to get out and about, I do find that I have to pick and choose the events at The Poisoned Pen that we will attend. I find myself looking for events for authors whom I either love to bits and have to see again or ones I love whom I've never seen. The author Denis and I went to see fits in the second category.

I've loved Steve Hockensmith's Holmes on the Range historical mysteries from the first book (Holmes on the Range), so when I saw that Hockensmith was going to be at The Poisoned Pen, I knew I would move heaven and earth to be there. I'm glad I did.

Left to Right: The Poisoned Pen's Patrick Milliken with author Steve Hockensmith before the evening's event began.

Steve Hockensmith

Steve had so many interesting things to say about his books, his writing process, and where he gets his ideas. Fortunately, you can watch the whole thing on YouTube or Facebook Live.

What I loved is the fact that the audience was small enough so we each had the opportunity to converse with Steve if we wanted to. I was really lucky because Steve recognized me before the event even started, so I had a chance to talk with him both before and after. (I'm either going to have to change my photo on social media or start wearing wigs.) We talked about so many things: online research, Apache scouts, Inspector Clouseau... What a lovely human being this man is!

Attending this event did both Denis and me a world of good, reminding us that our lives don't begin and end with medical appointments. I was in seventh heaven being back in the world of books, and I'm already looking at The Poisoned Pen's calendar to see when we can attend another event!


  1. What a fun night! I have listened to many of their author visits via podcasts but should check out youtube to actually watch one. I haven't read any of his books, sounds like I should find Holmes on the Range to start!!

    1. I prefer watching to listening, but that's just me-- probably because The Poisoned Pen's my home-away-from-home and I want to see how many people I recognize. Hockensmith's Holmes on the Range series is a lot of fun, and I hope you get the chance to try it out.

  2. I'm so happy you and Denis got to go to the PP for this one, Cathy. I'm glad you had a good time, too. And I think you're wise to pick and choose carefully; all you need is another heap of medical issues!

    1. We also had a bad experience with the Paratransit company that must take us there, so it's not just medical issues.

  3. I really enjoyed Naughty Nine Tales of Christmas Crime by Steve Hockensmith. It was a five star read for me. I heard about it from your blog. It was a favorite read for you. It is my favorite short story book ever. I laughed the hardest ever in reading this book. My favorite short story was the burglar caroling scene. It is not a Hallmark Christmas type book. It is a little twisted, funny and memorable as I read it in 2014.

    1. Yes! Thank you for reminding me of that book. This may mean a Christmas re-read.

  4. How lovely that y'all were able to attend this event featuring an author you have enjoyed. Do I dare to admit that this is yet another writer whom I've never read? Obviously I need to broaden my reading parameters.

    1. However, the more you broaden, the behinder you'll get...

  5. Sounds like a wonderful event that really worked out well for you. I don't know his work but your enthusiasm and love for it really makes me want to learn more about him. You are really blessed to have that bookstore so near you.

    1. Yes, I am. That bookstore has given me so much over the years.

  6. So glad you had such a good time! I didn't get into the 1st Holmes on the Range book when my book club read it, but it's such an interesting take that I'd still be interested in seeing Hockensmith regardless, especially since he sounds like such a nice guy. Hoping for many more happy outings for you and Denis!


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