Friday, August 07, 2020

A Talking in Code Weekly Link Round-Up

Another week of Not-Much-Going-On. I've finished most of my smaller projects and have begun knitting yet another afghan. I have vague ideas about what I'm going to do with them all, but nothing concrete. Yet.

Denis, the non-multi-tasker, has taken another crack at cleaning out his side of the office closet. By the time he's done getting rid of outdated computer do-dads, his side might be empty. He just this second told me that hoarding is a hard habit to break. I agree, but I've had to do something he hasn't: go through the worldly goods of hoarders after they've died. Having had to do that makes me more aware of the job the loved ones I leave behind  will have to face.

On that cheerful note, here's a photo of a t-shirt that's been doing an excellent job of keeping me smiling--

Our niece Daisy has been teaching herself how to knit, and I sent this to her, asking her how her knitting was coming along. She replied that the t-shirt contained several things that she'd have to check out on YouTube. The t-shirt does make knitting lingo look like some sort of code, doesn't it? Wish YouTube had been around when I was learning to knit, but I can't really complain. I've got it now when I need to decipher a bit of code!

Enjoy this week's links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • Scientists have cracked the mathematical mystery of stingless bees' spiral honeycombs.
  • New evidence suggests that ancient crocodiles swam from Africa to America.
  • How do dogs find their way home? They might sense the Earth's magnetic field.
  • I loved seeing this huge black bear that was spotted relaxing a a pool.
  • The incredible condor can soar for one hundred miles without flapping its wings.
  • Protections for grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone area were upheld in court.
  • A pigeon that can't fly and a special needs Chihuahua have formed a fast friendship at a New York rescue.
  • Birds sing to their eggs, and this song might help their babies survive climate change.

►Fascinating Folk◄

►The Happy Wanderer◄

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Stay safe! Stay healthy! Don't forget to curl up with a good book!


  1. Great links. I love the T-shirt. I couldn't figure it out for awhile, but now I get it, although not all of the stitches.

    I like all of the animal videos and the links about Black writers and history and the book links. I think I could read book reviews and summaries all day.

    Where does one get the T-shirt? Although not a knitter, a few friends are.

    1. Someone had posted it on Facebook. I don't know who was selling it because it's a rule of mine not to buy anything advertised on Facebook. Too many times, you have to wait for something to be shipped from China, or it's not a reputable company and you don't receive what you paid for.

  2. Oh, that t-shirt is fantastic, Cathy! It's appealing, it's unique, and it an 'inside joke.' I love it! And I know what you mean about clearing out offices. I've got some clearing-out projects of my own I'm trying to get to. As soon as I get back from that Viking trading post...

    1. Denis finally cleared out his side of the office closet, so all this is much closer to getting done.

  3. Love the T-shirt, but it does indeed look like a secret code to me since I'm not a knitter. Perhaps we need the Bletchley Park ladies? As to clearing out after 'people who can't let go of stuff' (AKA hoarders), I've shared that I am a champion minimalist. In fact, my husband knows to tell me 'don't throw this away'. He has a special drawer for his 'don't throw this away' things. LOL

    1. Denis isn't nearly as bad at hanging onto things as he used to be, but if his stuff isn't encroaching on important territory, I just let it be. He was astounded by the amount of stuff he'd hung onto and not touched in y-e-a-r-s!

  4. Great tee shirt! More links to explore! :)


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