Wednesday, October 17, 2018

On My Radar: Sophie Hénaff's Stick Together

This year, one of my surprise reading pleasures was The Awkward Squad, a mystery about a bunch of police misfits being rounded up to form a cold case squad in hopes that they'd fail miserably and their higher-ups would be able to get rid of them.

I was hoping that there would be another book in the series, so I was very happy to see that there will be-- Stick Together, which will be released in April 2019. Here's more information on the book...

Available April 2019!
Synopsis: "After their successful solving of three cold cases and exposing corruption at the very highest levels of the Paris police force, Officer Anne Capestan's team of oddballs and no-hopers should be in a celebratory mood. However, now despised by their colleagues at 36, quai des Orfevres and worried for their future, morale has never been lower among the members of the Awkward Squad.

Capestan is doing her best to motivate the team, but even she cannot maintain a cheerful facade when she has been assigned to investigate the murder of Officer Serge Rufus, the father of her ex-husband. Worse, it soon appears that his murder is linked to two other victims, both of whom were warned by the killer before they struck.

Can Capestan marshal the forces to solve another hopeless mystery, or will her team's previous success be proven just a fluke?"

Sounds like it's going to be a good one, doesn't it? I know I've already added it to my wishlist!


  1. Sounds like a good theme going on here!

  2. What a great concept for a series, Cathy. And it does sound like this one will be a solid followup. Hmm...might have to make room on my own radar for this one.

  3. I remember you liked The Awkward Squad and I saw it at the library the other day. Did I pick it up? No. I should go back and get it.

    1. Because you have no other books to read... ;-)


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