Friday, August 31, 2018

It Was a Very Long 3½ Days Weekly Link Round-Up

My first superficial keratectomy went well, and my eye doctor was very happy with how things were progressing when I went in for my post-op appointment. I go back in at the end of September to get the final verdict and to schedule the second one. I used to say that I wish I had more eyes so I could read more books simultaneously, but now that I'm facing all these procedures, I'm glad I only have two!

The keratectomy itself was a breeze. The hard part was the three and a half days that followed. No computer. No knitting. NO BOOKS. The last time I didn't read for three days, I had a perfectly legitimate excuse: I didn't know how to read! There were times this past week when I felt as though I were going stir crazy. For those of you who automatically think "audiobooks" in a case like mine, there will be a future post entitled "My Brain on Audiobooks." I also discovered that watching and/or listening to TV for hours on end doesn't do much for my equilibrium either.

I didn't miss the computer a bit, but I knew I wouldn't. This was merely the first time that I didn't burn the candle at both ends in an attempt to have blog posts scheduled every day. In a way, I wish I had because now I have to try to catch up on reviews, and that's never fun (especially when one eye is having trouble focusing). Oh! And I just remembered that Denis and I will be attending The Poisoned Pen's Rebusfest this weekend, so posts won't be back to normal until the following week. But enough of me and my eyeball-- let's get to these links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • Fifty collective nouns for your favorite groups of animals. 
  • Plains bison are roaming free in Banff National Park for the first time in decades.
  • An Australian city beats dengue fever by using special mosquitoes.
  • Why island birds have bigger brains than their mainland counterparts.
  • Why the ocean needs wilderness.
  • Birds can learn "foreign" languages to stay safe.
  • Why small dogs go above and beyond to mark their territory.

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's it for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. Glad the procedure went well ! I hope you have equal good fortune with the next one. . .

    1. So do I. The doctor performed the procedure on my dominant eye first. I wonder if that's the eye that would give the most problems (if there were any)?

  2. I'm so glad your procedure went well, Cathy, even if it did mean no reading for a few days (ack!). It's good to know that you're back reading, knitting and blogging again. Hope it all goes as smoothly for the other eye. And now, I'm off to that ancient lake...


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