Wednesday, May 06, 2015

I've Got Alan Bradley Covered!

I have to admit that I'm enjoying this. It's fun to compare covers for the same crime fiction title, and I hope you like to do it, too.

Last week was a bit of a toughy with Martin Walker's The Children Return/Children of War not only having completely different covers but different titles as well. This week we'll go back to same title/different covers. How's that?

Take a look at the covers for Alan Bradley's latest Flavia de Luce mystery, As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust:

This week I honestly can't choose a favorite. I like the US editions because each one is a different color-- aqua, black, blue, red, yellow, violet, green, etc.-- with a rather humorous graphic in the center. Alan Bradley is a friend of The Poisoned Pen's owner Barbara Peters, so she always keeps his books well-stocked. Those colors show up very well on the shelf. In fact, they draw me in from several feet away. Good thing for book covers to do, eh? Of course the covers also remind us of the first book in the series that was such a hit over here, and that Bradley is a bestselling author. Flavia even gets her name on the front which I'm sure pleases her no end. But all in all, the cover is rather understated, quiet.

The UK cover looks much smaller than the US, but it isn't. It just has a wide white border all the way around the graphic. And what a graphic that is! The UK graphic shows Flavia's world in all its eccentric glory, doesn't it? The blurb on the top merely mentions that "The Flavia de Luce novels are a cult favourite." Eccentric graphic. Cult favorite. I'm in! But something about the UK cover strikes me as being a bit too "busy." There's a lot to take in, a lot that can distract the eye.

So I'm in a quandary. No undisputed favorite for me this week, but what about you? Which cover strikes your fancy? US? UK? None of the above? Inquiring minds would love to know!


  1. They both are great covers, Cathy. But I think my nod goes to the US cover (but only by a whisker). I suppose it's because I'm accustomed to them by now?

    1. That certainly could have something to do with it, Margot!

  2. I'll cast my vote for the US cover this time too. I know what you mean about the vivid covers for this series. They are certainly standouts. I love purple, but that US cover is, as you say, not as busy. I also love the skeleton hanging upside down from the chimney. Cute.

    1. That skeleton can be a rather comical touch, but it makes me think of some poor little chimney sweep in the Victorian Era, stuck in his sooty tomb. *shiver*

  3. U.S. cover without a doubt. It's like the previous covers in the series.

    Also, the British cover is way too busy to me. One doesn't know where to focus one's eyes and nothing looks more important than the other. I didn't even notice the title amidst all of the other things going on.

    1. I think this is the first time we've had a unanimous opinion... at least so far!


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