Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Small Objects, Big Memories Weekly Link Round-Up


I don't know about you, but I feel like sitting back and relaxing after another dose of turkey and dressing. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving Day yesterday, even if you were alone. Sometimes a day to yourself is just what you need. If being alone is the last thing you need, I wish I could give you a hug. I've been there.

Denis and I had a nice quiet day and intend to have another one today, and it's left me with not much left to say until I looked over at the top of my end table. There's an object on it that I rediscovered during the guest bath remodel, and just holding it in my hand brought back so many memories.

I brought him out so you could see him better. This little brontosaurus was given to me by my great-grandfather, James Elmer Brown. Pictures of Elmer (or "Dad Brown" as we called him) as a young man show a very handsome dark-haired man whose smile could light up a room. When I knew him, he was an old man with a shiny bald head fringed by a bit of snow white hair.

I was very young when Dad Brown gave me that brontosaurus, and he (and it) are the major reason why I've had a love of dinosaurs my whole life. I've had it tucked away for years, and for some reason, when I saw it in my mind's eye, my little bronto was made of green soapstone, or something like soapstone. However, when Denis handed it to me, I could see that it's made of brass.

Whatever it's made of, it's very simple and very tactile, and reminds me of a man who had a love of puzzles, jokes, and the great outdoors. 

Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
  • Chin Foin, the debonair restaurateur who inspired the first Chinese-American cookbook.
  • Six Native artists and their works receive major recognition.
  • Seventeen-year-old Mariella Satow created a free app that makes Disney+ films more accessible to deaf children.
  • Harriet Martineau, the Victorian woman writer who refused to let doctors define her.
  • Wil Wheaton gave a perfect explanation of how to separate problematic artists from their work.
  • Helen Keller and the problem of "inspiration porn."
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. And don't forget to curl up with a good book!


  1. How wonderful that you found that piece of your past, Cathy! That's the thing about some of our beloved things; it's not so much the thing itself, but the memories we have when we hold it or look at it. I'm glad you have that connection. Now, I must be off to that Egyptian sun temple (but you figured that, right?).

  2. Great links as always and I love your brontosaurus. What a lovely story about it and your great-grandfather.

    1. If I'd had access to my photos of Dad Brown, I would have shared those, too. He was quite a character.

  3. I find it a beautiful thing that you still have something given to you by your grandfather...and that it had such a positive impact on your life. That's what all we grandparents have to hope for, isn't it?

    1. Not being a grandparent myself, I would imagine you're right, Sam.

  4. How wonderful that you still have something given to you by your great-grandfather! Not many people have been blessed enough to have met a great-grandparent. I have one picture of me being held by my great-grandmother. I was a baby at the time. She died while I was still very young. I do have a rocking chair that belonged to her though. Those connections are so meaningful.

    1. Yes, they are. I was just a baby when my other set of great-grandparents died, so I never knew them, but my mother made sure to tell me stories about them. I wish they'd hung on for a few more years, but they'd been hard-working farm people all their lives, and they wore themselves out raising nine children with little to no money, bless 'em. I never heard a mean word spoken about either one of them.

  5. So glad you and Denis had a nice day, and also that you have the dinosuar that belonged to your great-grandfather. I never knew mine, I knew my grandmother pretty well and had met my two grandfathers. My grandmother Sophie was a force of nature, an Eastern European immigrant who lived to be 98.
    I know how much it means to have items passed down from relatives. I have my grandmother's teapot and some Mexican jewelry.
    She, my aunt and my mother liked Mexican jewelry, pottery and art, and they handed down that taste to me.
    I must say I just love those dolphins, otters and elephants.
    Thanks for the links.

  6. Very good article about Helen Keller. I saw a PBS documentary about her a month ago. I must say I learned a lot and was impressed that she could read German and French. I had known she read German philosophers in German Braille.
    How intimidating! I can't read German in regular print.
    But I understand the writer's words about acknowledging and appreciating disabled people today. I do.

  7. Totally agreement on that. I have no idea how she learned and communicated so much. And she did it all without the technology available today to similarly disabled people.


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