Thursday, November 18, 2021

A Looking Ahead Weekly Link Round-Up


This has been a week of looking ahead. I've got Thanksgiving dinner for Denis and me lined up. I'm looking forward to having our shower redone in the main bathroom next month. (2021 has been Bathroom Year here at Casa Kittling!) I'm wanting to do something different with the Christmas decorations I put up, so I've been putting my mind's eye in overdrive and taking lots of notes.

But I've also been thinking of how very blessed I've been. Sure, I've had some trials and downright tragedies to weather, but name me one person who hasn't. The trick is not to forget those things, but to keep them in my rearview mirror. Keep my life in perspective. If I can do that, and so far I've been fortunate in that I have, it's easier to see the Good Stuff. And, oh, I have so much Good Stuff in my life!

Before I sign off and pick up my latest craft project, I just want to say thank you to all of you (or as they say Down South, all y'all) for being an important part of the Good Stuff in my life.
Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►The Wanderer◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. And don't forget to curl up with a good book!


  1. I like your links. There is something for everyone. Thank you for making all that effort to find fascinating links.

    1. You're welcome, Mystica. I'm glad you enjoy them.

  2. I'm very grateful for you and your blog, Cathy. Every visit here is a pleasure, and I always learn. You're right, too, that part of dealing with the sadness and worse in life is to look ahead, be grateful, and work through it. I hope your bathroom project goes smoothly, and I'll bet it'll be fantastic when it's done! Now, I'm off to check out that Anglo-Saxon treasure!

  3. :) I'm off to check on some of your links!

  4. I agree with you, Cathy. The best way to deal with hardships, is to remember the blessings. I also have much to be thankful for. I appreciate all you do here and always enjoy visiting your blog.

    I enjoyed the link about leisure activities of sleuths. The author talked about things being misrepresented as hobbies. Maybe. But I also think we have a different idea of what constitutes a hobby today, than people did during Arthur Conan Doyle's lifetime. Interesting to ponder.

    I hope you and Denis have a lovely Thanksgiving!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Gretchen!

  5. A highlight of my week! Thanks so much for taking the time to search for and post interesting links.

    I admit that I tend to search outthestories about books (I love lists, too), animals and brave women. And you never disappoint.

    Can't wait to see what you arrange for the holidays.

    1. I've got a touch of the flu, so my decorating has been postponed for the moment.

  6. And I appreciate your links to information about Black authors and their books and Indigenous history and struggles.

    1. You're one of the many reasons why I post links like that, Kathy.

    2. Thank you, Cathy. So glad to hear that.

      I wish other bloggers followed your example. Some are, but moe need to do so.

  7. Always love seeing what you share, Cathy. And I'm grateful for you and all my blogging friends. Books have kept me sane through lots of tough situations. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Denis!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Kay! And I agree whole-heartedly: books have done more than their share to keep me sane over the years.

  8. Just now finding a moment to scan your links list this usual, I'll be doing some heavy clicking, I suspect, on Sunday afternoon. Saturdays are the one day of the week now when my reading of books and blogs takes a backseat to other things. I gave up on professional sports so gradually that I barely noticed I had quit watching games anymore, but Saturdays are the day that I get my sports fix from watching college football games. I still love those. So tomorrow's my catch-up day.

    I love this time of year, and Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday, so life is pretty good right now. My granddaughter graduates from Texas A&M in mid-December and the two boys are both doing well in their own studies. Things are so calm at the moment, that I'm afraid to look over my shoulder to see what may be gaining on me.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!