Friday, June 26, 2020

A Back from the Break Weekly Link Round-Up

The time off I took went by so fast and was so nice that I'm tempted to do it again. But... it won't be any time soon because I have several book reviews scheduled for their release dates.

What did I do? Relax. Read. Go through old family photos and share some of them on Facebook. In fact, since I don't have much to say, I think I'll show you the most liked old family photo that I did share.

This is a photo taken of me when I was five years old. I was showing off one of my favorite dolls. This is Alfleeta Mae, named after a little girl I shared my room with in St. Mary's Hospital when I had to go in for some repair work.

I suppose it's a rather timely photo when you think of the protests and marches that are being held. All those years ago, my mother was all for diversity and taught me to be the same way. What's so scary about including ALL people? What's so scary about a person's skin being a different color than yours? I don't understand it, and I never will-- and I have my mother to thank for that.

I never saw Alfleeta Mae again after our hospital stay. I hope she's had a happy and fulfilling life. It's my fervent wish that people would stop being so afraid and learn to embrace all the beauty that this world has to give. But hopes and wishes only go so far. The time has come to make some profound changes, hasn't it? They are long past due.

Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄

►The Happy Wanderer◄

►Fascinating Folk◄

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Stay safe! Stay healthy! And don't forget to curl up with a good book!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your break, Cathy. And thank you for sharing that fabulous 'photo. What an 'alive' (does that make sense?) child you were. I love that you told the history of it, too. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a medieval village to explore...

  2. Love that photo! Thanks for the links. :)

  3. You were adorable! Glad you haave those photos to relish.
    I am in a rush and only read the Susie Steiner article so far. I love her Manon Bradshaw books, ready to be opened as soon as I finish V.I. Warshaw's adventures in Kansas and Chicago.

    I will come back and read many more links, which I enjoy and appreciate.

    I think I said a library branch across town will open part-time on July 13. They still don't have The Lantern Men (Drat!). but apparently I can read the Overdrive books on my laptop.

    So much to read and I have a grant proposal (with budgets) to write right now.

    And you are right about diversity. Why do some white people feel they are giving something up,losing privilege. I never saw it that way. It's a world to gain to meet and learn about people, to develop friendships learn how other people feel and about their lives and to support their struggles for equality and justice. And it's about love, too, although kind of corny. It's about broadening one's own love for humanity and opening up to the world.

    1. I remembered that you like Susie Steiner's Manon Bradshaw books, so that gave me extra incentive to post that link.

      You and I see diversity the same way, Kathy.

  4. And I love all of the young protesters from all communities out there day after day.

  5. Seeing the pyramids at Uxmal reminded me of a family trip to Mexico in 1965. My sister, father and I visisted them, and that's where I developed a fear of heights. Trying to walk down the very high, steep steps was impossible for my father and me. So we climbed down backwards holding onto a thick chain that went the entire length of the steps, and we went step by step. My father was sweating and cursing, and in my life until then,I had never seen him react like that. It's lucky we all left unharmed.
    Love the hugging animals.
    Donkeys are wonderful, as I found out from reading "Running with Sherman: A Donkey with the Heart of a Hero." I loved this book and the donkey in it who goes from being an abused, ill, neglected creature into a happy, loved, active donkey with the nurturing of a wonderful family and other donkey friends.

    1. Talking about donkeys or burros, I'm reminded of all the wild burros we have in northern Arizona, descendants of old miners' and prospectors' burros that either escaped or were turned loose. One town, Oatman, is known for them roaming the streets, and the residents carefully monitor the burros' health and don't let visitors feed them anything but healthy snacks.

  6. After reading about J.A. Jance, I like her even more. Her story about the copper miners really got to me. When I was about 10, when my father was an organizer for Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, I saw the film "Salt of the Earth" about striking union Mexican zinc miners in New Mexico. It's based on a real strike in 1951. What is exciting is that the women, the wives of the miners, take the lead and end up in jail. Solidarity is built.
    I've seen it many times since. It's a wonderful movie. My women friends cheer nonstop as the women stand up to their spouses, the company and the jailers. Hope you can see it sometime.

    1. It's free on Amazon Prime right now, so I've made a note of it.

  7. It is free there? I have that and never notice it. Where do you look to find films that are not at the Amazon Prime videos page?

    1. I'm an Amazon Prime member, so I can watch it for free, although I'm not sure when I will because it's in subtitles, and when I watch TV, I'm knitting. It's extremely difficult for me to knit and read subtitles at the same time.

      I just do regular searches for things that I want to watch on Amazon. Sometimes I'm lucky and they're on Prime. Sometimes I'm not lucky.

  8. I have Amazon Prime, too, but I never know how to find movies that aren't posted in their section at the Amazon website.

    No way could anyone knit and read subtitles at the same time.


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