Friday, February 14, 2020

It's All for a Good Cause Weekly Link Round-Up

Last week saw me at the Abrazo Central Campus Hospital's lymphedema clinic for the first time. They took detailed measurements of both legs, talked to me about diet (no dairy...*whimper*), and the therapy session ended with my legs being put into a three-part machine, two parts of which look a bit like golf bags. The "golf bags" extended from my toes all the way to the tops of my legs, and when turned on, gradually increasing pressure began from the arches of my feet all the way to the tops of my legs. The pressure would end, then start at the arches and work its way up again. Over and over for forty-five minutes.

That severe case of cellulitis I had hoodwinked my body into retaining fluids, and gravity makes those fluids travel down into my legs. (This is one time when my long legs are more of a hindrance than a help.) This machine is used to force the fluids being retained in the lower extremities back up, up, up so my kidneys can take care of it. I'll probably be getting a different sort of compression bandage as well.

After only one treatment, my leg was even skinnier and the pain in my knees had lessened. Huzzah! The downside is that I have to go to the clinic twice a week for the next month, which cuts down on the time Denis and I are able to visit places like the Desert Botanical Garden--which we'd done the day before. (Photos to come!) Don't worry, I still have my priorities straight. Getting this leg back in shape is the most important thing right now, even though it is aggravating that something medical is-- once again-- cutting into our O & A (out and about) time. Besides... that forty-five minutes in the golf bags? Reading time!

Now let's check out those links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄

►The Happy Wanderer◄

►Fascinating Folk◄
  • Raye Montague: the "Hidden Figure" who revolutionized naval ship design.
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. I'm very glad they were able to get your fluids, etc., under control, Cathy, even if it means the golf bags and no cheesecake. It all sounds like quite the routine, but if it works, and helps, well...that makes it all worth it. Now, I have an Aztec temple to visit...

    1. Yes, it does make it all worth it. There are also exercises involved and massages, too. I'm also learning that there's a VAST difference in therapists!

  2. Glad to hear the update and I think those do look like golf bags. Ha! As you said, more reading time and also glad to hear that getting rid of that extra fluid helps with your knees. As to some of the restrictions, well, guess we all have to do what we have to do. Take care and soon you'll be back out there participating in all your events.

    1. I'm still trying to sneak in some events, but it's not going to be easy.

  3. 45 minutes of reading time while doing your treatment and getting results sounds like a win win

  4. Can't beat reading time! Won't they be surprised when you have a different book every time! ☺ Interesting about dairy--I would guess sodium restrictions.

    1. Oh, I'm supposed to keep an eye on that, too.

  5. Love your outlook and taking this time for reading!

    1. If I have to remain in one spot for very long and there's nothing interesting to photograph, you have to know I'll be picking up a book! LOL


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