Friday, January 03, 2020

A Looking Ahead Weekly Link Round-Up

I still need to take it easy with this leg. It's back to where it was before it started going haywire on Christmas Day, but I don't want to take any chances. I'm seeing folks at the wound clinic and keeping compression on it. This may be something that doesn't ever go away again, but I am determined to hold it at bay and not let it run my life.

Since I'm taking it easy, that means that I do not spend extended periods of time sitting here at the desk. It makes blogging interesting, but I'm not worried about it. What I'm focusing on is getting out and about to places other than medical ones!

I've got some good reading waiting for me, and the sun is shining across my bed. Rough life, eh?

But I do want to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you all the best in the coming year. Above all-- Good Health, Good Friends, Good Times, and Good Books.

Here's to 2020. May it be filled with wonderful things for us all!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • A photographer captured the unlikely friendship between a grey wolf and a brown bear.
  • The story of Dyngo, a war dog brought home from combat.
  • Birds sniff each other's bacteria to help choose a mate.
  • Scientists thought this fanged, cat-sized deer was gone for good-- now it's been found again in Vietnam. 
  • A woman has discovered that her pet chameleon will hold anything she hands her.
  • From ancient seeds to scraps of clothing, rats' nests are full of treasures.
  • Three cows swept away by Hurricane Dorian were found alive.
  • The Tasmanian tiger is thought to have gone extinct in 1936, but mysterious sightings suggest the creature might still be out there.

►The Happy Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄

►I ♥ Lists & Quizzes◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!

Happy New Year!


  1. You're very wise, Cathy, to take extra care of yourself. And if that means some changes in the way you do things (at least for now), then it does. Thanks, as ever, for the links. Did someone say 'Roman sarcophagus?'

  2. So sorry about your setback, Cathy. I do admire your attitude and determination to heal and adjust.

    More great links to explore. Thanks :)

    1. You're welcome, Jenclair. I'm glad you're enjoying the links.

  3. I do hope you feel better soon, Cathy. Good for you to remain positive despite the setback. We could all take a lesson, I'm sure. Happy New Year to you as well - I've been away from the blog for a bit, but vow in the new year to visit more often! Keep smiling (and reading, too - but do I really need to encourage you to do that?)!!

    1. Who knows? Your encouragement may get me to read that one fabulous book that makes my whole year!

  4. Happy New Year and take it easy!! Here's to many good reads this year!

    1. I've been taking it easy and easy and easy and... I'm feeling the need to reorganize my craft room. Not all that strenuous, and it will make me happy. :-)

  5. I'm delighted to hear that your leg is improving and if taking care of things in the future means a few changes here, so be it. We all understand. So, reorganizing your craft room? I say make yourself happy and do it.

    1. I received the new bins today, so that craft room will be reorganized in the near future!

  6. I hope your leg heals quickly Cathy.
    Thanks for sharing these fascinating links as always.

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae. I'm glad you're enjoying the links!

  7. Happy, Healthy New Year! And thank you for the many fascinating links this week and throughout 2019. It's appreciated. And my TBR lists are exploding again.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy the links, Kathy. They can be a lot of fun putting together.


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