Sunday, July 21, 2019

Where the Magic Happens

If you're anything like me, you're curious about all sorts of things when it comes to your favorite authors. One of those things, for me, has been where they write.

Ian Rankin told us three years ago at The Poisoned Pen that he bought a second house in Cromarty, north of Inverness, Scotland. The house has no internet, no cell phone reception, and no television. For $400, he bought a computer featuring Windows 95 and Word 97 to use to write his books. He must also face a blank wall when he writes. Up there he can crank out a first draft in ten days "because there's nothing else to do!"

But not every writer is like Ian Rankin. Color me a bit thrilled when one of my favorite authors, Kate Ellis, shared a photo of her writing shed on Twitter. The nosy part of me would like to step inside the door and take a look, but... isn't it pretty? I can just picture her sitting inside working on those marvelous plots of hers when the English weather is good!


  1. Wow, Cathy! I love that writing shed! What a great idea! I'd like to poke my head in there, too...

    1. I can see wanting a space of your own in which to write-- somewhere outside the house and out of the flight path of all the traffic and questions and other distractions.

  2. I knew I wasn't the only nosy person around here! LOL

  3. I'd like to move right into that writing shed altogether. Love the colors and shape.


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