Friday, July 05, 2019

A June Busted Out in Weird Weekly Link Round-Up

I started to call this the Knitting Up a Storm round-up, but after thinking about it, I decided that it didn't quite fit. June was just plain weird. We've had an ice cream truck prowling the neighborhood playing Christmas carols. Let me tell you, I thought I'd blown a connection between my ears and my brain when I first heard "Adeste Fidelis"-- but then it went on to "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "White Christmas." That driver was in the spirit! (Which reminds me... not only has Stephen King totally ruined clowns for me, he's done it to ice cream truck drivers, too.)

I started to call this the Knitting Up a Storm round-up not necessarily because I have been knitting up a storm but because of what I've been knitting. No, I didn't knit the cover for that camper; it just made me smile! I've been working on afghans, and I just don't do that in June because it's too blamed hot.

The days we spent in Ramsey Canyon don't count because the elevation makes it a good twenty degrees cooler. Nope, I've been knitting afghans down here, too. I finished an eight-foot-long afghan for a friend made with a double strand of heavy yarn. (I hope he's not too disappointed when he finds out that it's longer than the requested eight feet...) June is the month when the temperatures normally soar into the 120° range, but this year, they've stayed right around 100° and one weekend even stayed in the 90s-- unheard of! These abnormal temperatures prompted me to start work on an afghan for another very special person who, thankfully, is much shorter than the first, although the afghan is also made of very heavy yarn. You probably want to see them, but you'll have to wait. I'm very close to finishing the second one and once they both have their loose ends taken care of and are freshly laundered, I'll just have to have another edition of While Miz Kittling Knits.

Oh oh. Those links have gone all quiet again. I'll have to go out there and see what's going on. Head 'em up! Moooove 'em out!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • Why have thousands of puffins and other seabirds died en masse in the Bering Sea?
  • After escaping a Kansas zoo, a fugitive flamingo has been seen in Texas for the second time in fourteen years.
  • Specially trained dogs help conservationists find rare Iowa turtles.
  • A single dragonfly eats hundreds of mosquitoes per day. Here's how to attract them to your yard.
  • Researchers avoid "messy" hormonal female mice, and that hurts women. (Why am I not surprised? We may have come a long way, baby, but we've still got a long way to go.)
  • The National Zoo's female Asian water dragon successfully reproduced without a male. 
  • Elephants use their sense of smell to sniff out snack quantities.

►Fascinating Folk◄
  • Meet Jay Matternes, the master muralist who inspired today's generation of paleoartists. 
  • Jacqueline and Eileen Nearne, sisters and spies: How did some of the most highly decorated spies of World War II end up spending decades in quiet obscurity?

►The Happy Wanderer◄
  • Most of the world's macadamias may have originated from a single Australian tree.
  • Sixteen real castles that make the world more wondrous. 

►I ♥ Lists & Quizzes◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. Hmm...Christmas carols in June. Nope, just nope, Cathy. Still, that is unique, I'll say that. As for the afghans, I think there's nothing more comfortable and snug when it's really cold outside, and I'll bet yours are beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, I want to check out those dinosaur bones with opal in them. What a fascinating find from a scientific perspective, too!

    1. That "dinosaur bones with opal" caught my imagination, too!

  2. I read The Ivory Vikings, a fascinating historical look at the chessmen and more, several years ago. It was well-researched, full of historical detail, and with more than one theory of their origin. So..of course, I'm intrigued by the piece found in Edinburgh! And other links to pursue as well. :)

    1. Sounds like a very good book. Thanks for pointing me in its direction. And that chessman was recently sold. I couldn't believe for how much!


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