Friday, January 11, 2019

An Unsentimental Weekly Link Round-Up

It's been a very quiet week here at Casa Kittling. We've had another winter storm come through, giving us a good, soaking rain which is always a wonderful thing. I much prefer our winter rains to the ones in summer because they do tend to be gentle, not the microbursts that can give us half our annual rainfall in ten minutes. Those summer toad chokers are the ones that usually fill the pool with mud. Nope, give me winter rains any day-- especially when they usually mean a fantastic spring showing of wildflowers out in the desert. Now... if the temperature would only go back up to normal. You know Mother Nature is having a laugh when the morning temperature in Anchorage, Alaska is eight degrees warmer than Phoenix, Arizona!

You're probably wondering why I've titled this link round-up "unsentimental." Well, it's because I'm not sentimental at all. Nope. Not me. Never in a million years.

It would never occur to me to look for a ring that combined my birthstone with Denis'.  But I did manage to "stumble" across one that combines my January garnet with Denis' June moonstone, and you see it to the left. I love how the moonstones catch the light and flash with blues and lavenders. I just thought I would share one of my Christmas presents with you. The unsentimental one, of course!

In the meantime, Denis and I have some events at The Poisoned Pen to look forward to. After the hectic holiday selling season, authors will be coming back to our favorite bookstore, and we're really looking forward to that.

It's time for me to put on my wellies and slosh on out to the link corral. They're wanting some attention. Head 'em up! Mooooooooove 'em out!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • A lonely parrot goes shopping online with Alexa while his owners are out.
  • A Utah bobcat named Mr. Murderbritches was just released back into the wild-- and the video is going viral.
  • The shrinking of a Utah national monument may threaten 660 bee species.
  • The story of Dyngo, a war dog brought home from combat.
  • A Dracula ant's snapping jaw is the fastest known appendage in the animal kingdom.
  • To help corals fight back, scientists are breeding populations separated by hundreds of miles.
  • Cliquey Adriatic dolphins may have strategies for avoiding each other.
  • Their songs suggest that cardinals in different regions could actually be distinct species.

►Fascinating Folk◄
  • A VR experience lets you join Nellie Bly on her 72-day trip around the world.

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. That ring is gorgeous, Cathy! And I can see how that would mean something to you. How meaningful! I wonder if there are also beautiful things in that one-of-a-kind Egyptian tomb...Gonna go find out!

  2. The ring is indeed gorgeous! Love it and I don't think I would come up with the idea of combining my birthstone and my husband's. I'm not even sure what his birthstone is. Need to look it up. We've been having a lot of rain and some of it not in the 'go gentle into the night' variety. Plus we had a tornado watch right after Christmas. I don't ever remember that happening in the almost 50 years I've lived in Central Texas. No tornadoes, but still. I look forward to reading about your PP visits.

  3. The ring is beautiful! And I have to admit, I actually thought of you reading the latest PP email and that I would probably be seeing reports of some of the events! Have a great weekend!

    1. Well, we went to see Thomas Perry last night, and next week we'll be going to see Lyndsay Faye!

  4. I started reading the Elly Griffiths series you recommended and absolutely love the characters. I am on book 3 now. Thank you for your recommendation! Love your blog.

    1. Ooooh, I am so glad you're enjoying the Dr. RUth Galloway series; it's one of my favorites! Thank you so much for your kind words. *HUG*

  5. Beautiful ring and what a lovely meaning behind this gift.

    Great links. I can't keep up. Am adding books to my TBR list.

    1. I'm always adding books to my TBR list. It's what we readers do.


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