Monday, February 05, 2018

A Trip to the Phoenix Zoo

When Denis and I decided to go to the Phoenix Zoo this past Thursday, I took a look at my stash of photographs... and almost fell out of my chair. I couldn't believe that it had been almost ten years to the day since the last time we'd been there-- all the more reason to head right on over there!

Thursday was a gorgeous spring day, nothing but blue skies, sunshine, and temperatures right at 80°F/27°C. When we first arrived, there were plenty of visitors, but by the time we left, the place had emptied out quite a bit which made it much more relaxing. There was quite a bit of construction being done with many animals being taken off exhibit. Although I missed seeing them, I think I'd want to be moved away from all that racket, too.

The air was filled with the smell of sweet acacia-- one of my all-time favorite scents. The oil of the sweet acacia is used in perfume, and an added bonus is that it doesn't make me sneeze. Now I'll take you on a photographic meander through the Zoo. If you'd like to see any of the photos in their original size, just click on one of them, and a new window will open automatically in order for you to do so. Now... Follow me, please!

Phoenix Zoo entrance in the bright Arizona sun.

Bald Eagle

Seeing this bald eagle in a cage on the Arizona Trail portion of the zoo reminded me of the first time I'd ever been to one. It was a school field trip, and we went to the St. Louis Zoo. This was in the mid-1960s, it was an old zoo, and most of the animals were warehoused in small rectangular cages. I absolutely hated it. Zoos have changed quite a lot since then, thank goodness. The logical part of me knows that zoos are necessary, and in some cases, they are the only reason why some animals still exist, but it hurts my heart to see them caged up.

Resident of Stingray Bay

One of my favorite parts of the zoo is Stingray Bay where you can pet the rays. Several seemed to be fascinated with my rings, and it tickled when they came up and gummed my fingers.

He found a quiet spot.

A branch of the blooming sweet acacia tree.

A napping burrowing owl

A black-necked stilt

What I call the Egret Tree.

I wanted to call this bird Kevin because it reminded me of the bird in "Up."

Flamingos don't stand 24/7, you know!

Pelicans. You there, Nigel? (From "Up" to "Finding Nemo.")

A baboon catching some Zzzzs.

The sun was fierce, so the shade was welcome!

I found all the flowers as interesting as the animals.

The colors of nature.

A grackle & a flamingo having a lunchtime conversation.

A fairy duster bud.
A fairy duster bloom with its adoring fans.

Carousel. I should've taken a photo of the hummingbird seat!

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the Phoenix Zoo. Don't be surprised if I take you back again in the future!


  1. I hope you will, Cathy! What a lovely place and what gorgeous 'photos! I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit.

    1. Well, you know. Put me out in the sun and show me some critters, and I'm good to go!

  2. The smell is absolutely heavenly in the spring. I might have to post my acacia story sometime soon.

  3. Looks like it was a beautiful day to be there!

    1. It certainly was, and our wonderful weather continues, so I'd better hotfoot it to the Desert Botanical Garden! LOL


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