Monday, January 15, 2018

Now More Than Ever...

Remember the man. Celebrate his life and what he tried to teach us all. It matters. Now more than ever.


  1. Now more than ever, indeed, Cathy...

  2. Agree 100% .. now more than ever. Especially after #45 just slandered an entire continent and Caribbean country and is ordering hundreds of thousands deported.

    1. What gets me is how the man can look someone right in the eye and insist, "I didn't say that!" when the whole thing has been recorded for posterity. His mama really should've taught him to accept responsibility for his own actions.

  3. And his enablers around him are going on TV or being asked in the Senate what he said and they're not telling the truth. They're just blatantly lying for him.

    Whatever happened to ethics? Morality? It just doesn't exist in the White House at all. And these poor immigrant youth and families being torn apart, lives ruined. It's cruel beyond belief.

  4. "Interesting" is an interesting way to put it. I would say "cruel, mean,and more" unless one is in the top 1%.

    1. I was using it in the Chinese proverb sense: "May you live in interesting times." A proverb I've always believed to hold a heavy dose of sarcasm.


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