Friday, May 27, 2016

The Mad Dogs and Moi Weekly Link Round-Up

Temperatures have been courting 100°. It's the time of year when many desert dwellers either head to cooler climes or shut themselves up in the air conditioning. What have I been doing? 

Like mad dogs and Englishmen, I've been out in the midday sun taking a machete to overgrown shrubs and vines. I know. This isn't the behavior of the sharpest knife in the drawer, but sometimes needs must. At least I'm wearing protective gear, take frequent breaks in the shade to drink plenty of water, and I never work longer than two hours (which is a lot less time than it sounds when you factor in those five-minute breaks). When I'm done with my segment of allotted chores, I put everything away, get changed, grab my books, camera, and lots of something cold to drink, and I get in the pool for the rest of the afternoon. 

I've almost got everything done outside-- which includes leveling ground and hauling rocks-- and then I'll switch to inside the house, but I'll still have most of the afternoons for the pool!

I'd better head out to the corral and round up those links I've been saving before they feel neglected. Head 'em up! Moooooooooove 'em out!


►Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • 15 bookstore cats you'll want to cuddle with... unless you're allergic (like me).  

►The Happy Wanderer◄
  • Visit New York City's Guggenheim Museum without leaving your house.
  • Where do objects go when they die? (Certain ones come to Arizona....) 
  • Heffers Bookshop in Cambridge is so old, someone's writing its history book.
  • This Dutch village-- which has no roads-- is straight out of a fairy tale.
  • This is what it looks like when 4.5 million flowers bloom at the same time in Japan
  • And while we're still in Japan, take a look at the natural art created by a lake and fallen cherry blossoms.
  • A secret, wild pocket of Central Park has reopened.
  • The next time you're in Chicago, go to the Chicago Cultural Center and look up... at the largest Tiffany dome in existence. It's only worth $35 million.
  • The Ennis House in Los Angeles has been a favorite location for film and television production.  

►Fascinating Folk◄

►I ♥ Lists & Quizzes◄

That's all for now! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll have a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. That 'photo is beautiful, Cathy! Thanks for sharing. And I'm glad you're being careful out in the sun. I have to admit that, with my skin tone and so on, I burn to a crisp, so I stay out of the sun if I can. Now, off to check out that Napoleonic War diary - what a find!

    1. It would be amazing to find something like that!


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