Monday, October 12, 2015

Scene of the Crime with Patricia Finney!

Back at the beginning of the last Ice Age when I began to focus my reading on crime fiction, several online buddies kept recommending the Sir Robert Carey historical series by P.F. Chisholm. The series rapidly became near and dear to my heart. One of my favorite scenes in any book occurs in this series when the womenfolk tire of all the men's shenanigans and lay down the law. Just mentioning that scene makes me smile. You can imagine that when I learned that P.F. Chisholm (hereafter referred to as Patricia Finney) was to appear at my favorite bookstore, The Poisoned Pen, that I made sure I was in the front row.

Patrica Finney
When it was my turn in the signing line, I had to ask her if she did email interviews. You can tell that she said yes. Let me share some of her social media links with you so you can learn even more about this talented writer and get in touch with her if you like. 

At least give her blog a try-- you'll love her sense of humor! Now-- on to the fun part!

What was the very first book you remember reading and loving? What makes that book so special? 

A very pretty fairy story about Thumbelina. I also loved The Snow Queen story. Probably the first books I read for myself were the Narnia series and (cough) an awful lot of Enid Blyton.

Outside of your writing and all associated commitments, what do you like to do in your free time?

I'm starting to ride horses again after a 20 year gap. I also love martial arts and just hanging around in coffee shops (I'm in one now!)

If I were to visit your hometown, where would you recommend that I go? (I like seeing and doing things that aren't in all the guide books.)

St. Jude's Church
Hampstead Garden Suburb is possibly the most boring place in London. Look at St. Jude's Church in Central Square for some late 19th century religious paintings and... er... That's it.

You have total control over casting a movie based on your life. Which actor would you cast as you?

I have no idea – maybe my actress sister to keep it in the family. Also she's much better looking and slimmer than me. Maybe Roseanne for my fat times?

Who is your favorite recurring character in crime fiction? 

I love Ian Rankin's books, otherwise I'd have to say DEATH from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.

If you could have in your possession one signed first edition of any book in the world, which book would that be? Why that particular book?

Obviously a signed First Folio by Shakespeare. Why do you think?

How did you celebrate when you first heard you were to be published?

I remember it very clearly. I was 17, coming back from school on a hot day and we were having the central heating redone. My mother was sitting there in a horrible mess of pipes and dustsheets and smiling. I wondered why she was smiling and then she said, “I just heard from your agent. Collins are publishing your book!” Later my father arrived with champagne and to be honest I don't remember much else, except that I walked on air for at least a week. The book came out when I was 18.

Name one thing on your Bucket List. 

I don't really have one. Going to Hungary to write a book about my grandparents and my mother during WWII which I'm doing at the moment.


You've just received a $100 gift card to the bookstore of your choice. Which bookstore are you making a bee-line for?

Waterstones, Truro
In England, Waterstone's in Truro, a lovely friendly bookshop that either has what I want or busts a gut to get it for me. I've even worked there as a Christmas temp which was one of the best day jobs I've ever had.





In Hungary, Libri in Mammut shopping centre.


An extremely reliable source tells you that a thinly disguised you is a character in a book that's currently high up on the New York Times Bestseller List. What kind of character do you think you are?

A mildly crazy warrior Queen in a post-apocalyptic Cornwall or a mysterious wandering martial arts expert who saves the planet and gets the boy.

Available Now!


Thank you so much for spending this time with us, Patricia. It was a pleasure to be able to get to know you a little better.

May your book sales do nothing but increase!


  1. Dana Stabenow wrote a glowing, enticing review of A Chorus of Innocents earlier this year; thank you for the reminder that I want to start reading this series!

    1. You're very welcome! Many well-known authors love her books. I know I do, and I think you will, too.

  2. I hate to admit that I've never heard of her books but after this wonderful interview (I love her witty replies) I'll have to check her titles out). And by the way, that bookstore in Hungary looks oh so inviting to me!

    1. I hope you do check out her titles! If not for the recommendations of online friends several years ago, I would not have heard of her either, and her books are wonderful.

      Both bookstores look wonderful to me. I often think I should go on a bookstore tour using the recommendations of the authors I've interviewed.


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