Friday, October 23, 2015

A Very Humid Weekly Link Round-Up

The weather in Scotland seems to have followed us back to Arizona. Overcast. A lot of rain (for the desert and for this time of year), and the humidity is about to do my knees in. My knees aren't alone, either. If it doesn't dry out soon, the front door will be so swollen that I won't be able to get it open. I have to eat my Wheaties before I check the mail now as it is!

The Admiralty Pub in London
I'm still basking in lovely memories of our recent trip to the UK. I hope you're following along with my travelogue. Chapter three of six will be posted next Monday.

If it weren't for my aversion to crowds, I could still be sitting on that doubledecker tour bus in London. The architecture alone could keep me enthralled for days, let alone anything else.

But I'd better stop basking, knitting, and reading Golden Age mysteries. (I know-- I'm as surprised as you are!) Something tells me y'all came for some links, and it's time to round 'em up!


►Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
  • Scribner, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, has acquired the rights to 27 Stephen King classics
  • Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf falls out of copyright in Germany at the end of 2015. What will happen when authorities can no longer control its publication and distribution? 
  • Want a Jane Austen quote delivered to you every day? There's an app for that.
  • Subscription eBooks are failing in the USA, but they're succeeding in Germany.
  • Amazon Publishing has plans to invest in translations.
  • The scandals rocking Amazon about phony authors and fake reviews are leading some to think it may lead to a resurgence of print books
  • If you see men with one painted fingernail, here's the hidden meaning behind it. (And it's an important one.)
  • Quiz: Which books are these fictional foods from?
  • After hearing that the Toronto Star is doubling its book coverage, I want to subscribe. 
  • The new kind of notification you never want to see on your Facebook page. 
  • Watch a modular bookshelf be constructed.
  • Are we losing faith in eBooks? (I wouldn't say I'm losing faith. I do know however that I don't want to pay $16 for an eBook that may magically disappear from my eReader.)
  • Some beautifully animated vintage book covers.

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • 22 surprised animals freaking out about what's happening.
  • One of the few things in the world that are impossible for me to resist: puppies

►The Happy Wanderer◄

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week. Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!

Have a wonderful weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. Interesting how the weather gets very odd like that, Cathy. We had some humidity earlier this week - more than we usually do. It's dried out now, though. I'm glad you have such wonderful memories from your trip! As for me, time to see what's behind that old wall in Virginia...

    1. It's dried out a bit here, too-- finally-- but I don't want to say too much about it in case it gets the notion that I miss it!

  2. Humid? In Arizona? That's not the (stereotypical?) picture we Canucks have of it. Does it happen often?

    As for the 20 quotes from childhood books: they brought tears to my eyes. Who is more touching: Shel Silverstein or A.A. Milne? Loved them all.

    Thanks again for a week of great links.

    1. No-- thank heavens-- it does NOT happen often, Debbie. Glad you enjoy the links!

  3. Oh, my brain! Sorry, that article on losing faith in ebooks sort of was like needles poked in my head. Not that the author doesn't have a point, but the word usage had me thinking someone really should have edited that before it was published.

    Don't know what to say about Hitler's book. Some will read it just because they are curious about history. Some will get inspired just because they are already of a mindset that will respond to it. At least it's vaguely encouraging that neo-nazis tend to steer clear of it, but because such a big deal is being made of it, people will find ways to get a copy and read it.

    I hope Amazon doesn't entirely screw up the reviewing system trying to weed out the bad reviewers. Ugh.

    1. Yes, I well remember my own winces as I read that article, Pepper. Autocorrect is NOT an editing device!


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