Friday, July 10, 2015

A Simple Pleasures, Simple Faith Weekly Link Round-Up

This is a week where I've found myself distracted. I have two dear friends who are being severely tested right now, and other than lending moral support from afar, there's not a darned thing I can do to help. Feeling this way gets me nowhere. Fast.

Over and over again while sitting in the pool with a succession of books, I find myself staring off into space, thinking of my friends. It's only when I happen to see random moments of beauty-- like this tiny verdin peeking out from the riotous blooms of my birds of paradise-- that I feel myself becoming calm and centered again. Nature does that for me. It always has. And each time I see one of these perfect little moments, I wrap them up and mentally send them to my friends. If sending positive thoughts is the only thing I can do, I'm going to do my best.

Just like I'm going to do my best to get these links rounded up and headed your way!

►Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►The Happy Wanderer◄
  • I really don't think I'll be staying in Peru's "pod hotel."
  • 20 incredible places to visit in Scotland before you die. (I'd love to see the Kelpies.)
  • 7 of America's most stunning road trips.

►I ♥ Lists◄

►Book Candy◄
  • I wish the lockers in my high school looked like this!

That's all for now. Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!

Have a great weekend and read something fabulous!


  1. I know just what you mean, Cathy. It's such a feeling of futility and helplessness when friends suffer and you can't do anything concrete about it. I think you're wise to take some time and contemplate. And that 'photo is fabulous. Oh, so are the links (as ever!)

  2. I, too, understand what you mean about nature soothing the spirit. After my mother died, we took a trip to Oregon and stayed in a wonderful beach house. I kept trying to read, but the windows overlooking the ocean drew my gaze over and over. I just stared at the waves and began to feel peaceful and comforted. Will think good thoughts for your loved ones.

    Love the Scotland sites and the US road trips. I've been on a couple of those highways and they are certainly gorgeous.

    1. I always love a good road trip! And thanks for those good thoughts!

  3. Love that photo of the bird and flowers.

    Yes, nature can be incredibly soothing and healing.

    Am thinking of you and your friends.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Things are already working out well for one of my friends, and that's such a relief.

  4. You should know how much your bird photos brighten up things around here. Living in a huge city with few birds around (that I can see) and rarely hearing them sing, it's so nice to see shots of real birds enjoying themselves -- at the waterfall, getting fruit, singing, just enjoying life.

    1. Sounds like I should go ahead with my post about Bisbee and all the wildlife I enjoyed last month!

  5. Replies
    1. Hmmm... I'll have to get working on the logistics!


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