Friday, May 01, 2015

A Weekly Link Round-Up That's Just Duckie!

The neighborhood is filled with baby birds, and the parents all seem to be flocking to Casa Kittling to stock up on oranges. It's a fun time of year to sit outside in the shade with a book. Not necessarily to read, but to use the book as camouflage to mask the fact that you're paying close attention to all the comings and goings.

Enjoying Casa Kittling's amenities....

Speaking of comings and goings, I'd gotten used to an annual visit from a pair of Mallards to swim in the pool, preen, and take naps, but this week when I looked out of the laundry room to see FIVE Mallards in the pool, I think I had to pick my jaw off the ground. Three were young males who flew off before I could get back outside with my camera, but the older pair stayed around for "the usual." The male is always very solicitous of the female, and when I was looking at the photos I'd taken, I noticed that the male is looking a bit battered and scarred. Wouldn't it be something if this is the same pair that stops by every year, only this time they brought some of their teenagers with them to enjoy our amenities? (And some of you wonder why I have a link section for Elly Mae Clampett!)

Yes, I may be rambling about ducks, but I haven't forgotten the links. Here they are!

►Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
  • Now this is my kind of prize-in-a-box: General Mills will start giving away eBooks through Cheerios breakfast cereal packaging. 
  • Lost pages from Madeleine L'Engle's  A Wrinkle in Time have been discovered. 
  • Star Trek 3 will be titles Star Trek Beyond.
  • According to Ann Patchett, owning a bookstore means you always get to tell people what to read.
  • The next Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling) novel, Career of Evil, will be released this fall. 
  • There's a bus driver in Quebec with an overinflated sense of safety... or a dislike of books.
  • The literary litterbug of Boulder County, Colorado, has finally been caught. 
  • The idea of custom dictionaries for eBooks is starting to catch on.

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄

►The Happy Wanderer◄
  • The Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona, once called the most dangerous in the US, has reopened to the public.
  • 10 of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world.
  • I wish I could have been in London for the Monty Python reunion in Potters Field Park. What a beautiful Norwegian Blue!
  • 4 of the greatest hidden waterfalls on Earth.
  • The most popular type of store in each U.S. state. (I am now planning a road trip to Nebraska, North Dakota, and Alaska.)
  • A mystery artist going by the name of "Wanksy" has found a novel way of getting potholes fixed on the roads of Manchester, England. 
  • A church in The Netherlands has been converted to an amazing bookstore.

►I  ♥  Lists◄

That's all for now. Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!

Have a great weekend-- and read something Fabulous!


  1. Oh, I love it that you have duck residents, Cathy! I wish we had more around here. And thanks, as ever, for those lovely links!!

    1. I don't know where they're going each year, Margot, but I'm glad they've made us a stop along the route!

  2. I so enjoy your weekly round-up! The horse dancing was a hoot. I believe it about the most popular store, my state was car battery and we have 4 auto part stores here.

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying my link round-ups! The Phoenix area used to have auto parts stores everywhere you looked (or so it seemed), but for some reason, many have closed down, and they're not nearly as common a sight as they used to be.


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