Friday, April 10, 2015

From Nurse to Patient Weekly Link Round-Up

Links are a bit light on the ground this week. As many of you know, Denis and I were clobbered by a nasty stomach virus last week. For me this meant that I didn't pick up a book, and I didn't turn on my computer. (Like I said-- nasty!) There have been weeks that were bulging with links, so this one just evens out the score a bit.

The good news is that Denis is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and back to work. Me? I'm still getting a bit tired if I forget and try to woge into a super hero (any Grimm fans?), but I'm back to attending events at The Poisoned Pen!

Let's see what I did manage to round up for you....

♦ Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits ♦
  • T.S. Eliot's old summer home may become a writers' retreat.
  • This time Amazon is having difficulties renegotiating contracts with HarperCollins, so it may be a good idea to learn where else you can buy this publisher's eBooks.
  • A leading marketing expert thinks that-- when it comes to books-- libraries and publishers should be working hand in hand.

♦ Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones ♦

♦ Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett ♦

♦ I  ♥  Lists ♦

♦ The Happy Wanderer ♦
  • 28 lighthouses that have stood the test of time (and weather). 

♦ Book Candy ♦

That's all for now. Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!

Have a great weekend-- and read something fabulous!


  1. So sorry to hear you were hammered with the virus, Cathy! Good to hear you're slowly making your way back to the rest of us. And even on a 'light links' week, you pick good 'uns!

  2. Love your blog, glad you're starting to feel better.

  3. So glad to hear Denis is better and you are on the mend -- and most importantly, back to attending those wonderful events at the PP. Can't wait to read about them.

    1. I'm working on the latest one now, Kathy. :-)


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