Saturday, December 22, 2012

Moving Right Along Weekly Link Round-Up

No exposition from me this week. I'm just going to send blessings and a few links your way while I go back to cooking and baking. Hit of this Christmas season? The Creme de Menthe Cheesecake cookies I made. Someone else who lives here in Casa Kittling sure wishes I'd bake a few more batches of those! All the best to you and yours wherever you may be!

Bookish News & Other Interesting Stuff

Recommended eBook Bargains

I found these for Kindle, but if you have a Nook, double check Barnes and Noble prices. Usually if one company has special prices on certain eBook titles, they all do. However, I do not know how long these special prices will last.

I  ♥  Lists

New to My Google Reader

That's it for this week. Don't forget to stop by next weekend when I'll have a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!


  1. Those cookies sound divine. I'm heading to the grocery store today so I can start my baking. Pray for me.

  2. Cathy - Oh, those cookies sound wonderful! Creme de menthe - Mmmmmmmmmm! I'll bet they're delicious. Thanks for sharing those links, as ever.

    1. They are delicious. Unfortunately I could never figure out how to get a padlock to fit on the cookie jar, and someone would love it if I made more!

  3. Fun links! I especially enjoyed the lists, I think I must love lists as much as you do! Those mysteries aren't free anymore but maybe I can try them sometime anyway. Thanks for adding me to your reader! :-)

    1. There's just something about a list that draws me right in. :-)

      The first two books that I listed are still free on Kindle. I just checked.

    2. They're not for me, probably because m not in the US. Oh well!

    3. What a shame! Too bad the different countries can't run the same bargains at the same time!


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