Friday, May 18, 2012

Working Up a Sweat for This Weekly Link Round-Up

Most of the time Denis and I time our big yard clean-ups to coincide with the quarterly curbside trash pickups, and that's what we did this time. We got up much earlier than normal to try to beat the worst of the sun and heat, put our sweatbands, hats and heavy gloves on, and got to work.

All in a morning's work....
Denis was in charge of raking and bagging, while I did pruning, trimming, weed pulling and bagging. For part of the pruning, I was standing close to a hummingbird feeder and in the midst of blooming shrubs, and I faced a constant stream of hummingbirds trying to bully me into stopping what I was doing. Alas, the poor little devils failed. Once we combine all those black bags in the photo to the left with the other things going out to the curb (anyone in the market for an old plaid recliner?), and haul them all out to the street tomorrow morning, we'll be done.

I'm pleasantly tired right now, but inside I'm beginning to hum with excitement. I'm deserting Denis this evening (before he goes to work and deserts me *wink*) and driving over to the Poisoned Pen. I have my book buy list printed out, my notebook and pens ready, my camera batteries charged.... Not only will I be seeing fellow book blogger Lesa Holstine again, I'll be seeing Craig Johnson for the first time. Since he's one of my Top Five authors, I don't know whether to laugh, pop, or dance a jig!

Maybe I'd better get all these links posted for you before I do any of the three?

Bookish News & Other Interesting Stuff

I  ♥ Lists

Book Candy

New to My Google Reader

It's now time to start primping for the Poisoned Pen, so I have to love you and leave you. Don't forget to stop by next weekend when I'll have a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!


  1. I had to see if my city was on there, but I wasn't holding out hope.

    1. Ryan, I didn't even look for mine because I knew it wasn't on there. Unfortunately we book bloggers (Lesa, Gaye and me) aren't enough to tip the scales in Phoenix's favor. :-(

  2. Lucky duck...I am tied to my report cards, a host of weddings to attend and more. I REALLY wanted to go to the Pen tonight. Wahhh. Now to know I miss visiting with you and Lesa I feel like doing a double pout! Hope the time is grand!

    Enjoy it all for me.

    1. I tried my best, Gaye, but it would've been lovely to see you! Now... where are you going to be when Tarquin Hall and Martin Walker are in town????

  3. Cathy - Oh, yard sales and cleanup time! I give you and Denis a lot of credit for going through the yard work so thoroughly. Wise of you to do it before it gets unbearable outdoors. Thanks for the links, too. You always have good 'uns to check out.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy the links, Margot. Somehow I think I should not have been so diligent with the yard work... I seem to have made my left shoulder *very* displeased with me! :-(


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