Friday, April 06, 2012

The High Pollen Count Weekly Link Round-Up

It's hard to believe that, once upon a time, doctors told all their patients with breathing-related problems to come here to the desert to get healthy. Having a climate like this means that something is always blooming, so if you have chronic allergies, this isn't the place to live. Or... you could be like me and have no idea you were deathly allergic to olive trees in bloom until you move here. Fortunately, there are laws in place now saying that olive trees must be treated so that they won't bloom. I've never seen anything like olives for the amount of pollen they throw out, so I thank that law for being able to breathe this time of year!

Stage 1 of Operation Craft Room Completed!
But there are plenty of other things in bloom, so when it's a windy day (like today), I swear my sinuses are a huge magnet for all the pollen being blown around. My head feels like a concrete block. Ugh.

It's been a rather quiet week here at Casa Kittling. I did finish putting together my craft room, which will be the subject of my Saturday Snapshot post tomorrow, so if you're interested, don't forget to stop by to take a look! I can feel some of you twitching as you look at the photo to the left. The sight of all those empty shelves make you nervous? Never fear! They're all filled up again. I'll prove it tomorrow!

Now, on to those links!

Bookish News & Other Interesting Stuff

eBooks, Blogs & Social Media

I ♥ Lists

Book Candy

New to My Google Reader

That's it for this week. Don't forget to stop by next weekend when I'll have a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!


  1. That room looks great! I envy you getting to fill those shelves up. :-)

    1. There's something about filling up empty bookshelves that's just plain good for the soul, isn't there? :-)

  2. Pollen kills us here in the south but I never thought about it in the desert! I hope you get some relief soon.

    1. As long as my nose isn't a perpetual faucet, I'll be okay. Thanks, Kathy!

  3. I woke up sneezing this morning. I thought it was the flu, but now I know it was blooming things that caused it!

    1. Chances are excellent that it's that darned pollen count!

  4. Hmmm...Austin is considered the "Allergy Capitol of the World" by those of us that live here. I have horrible allergies here, but none in the desert. It's all a matter of what you are used to I suppose. Or, if I moved to your part of the world, I would likely develop allergies to something. Sigh.

    1. The first year or so that I lived here, I was in heaven because I'd gotten rid of all my Midwest allergies. I don't suffer much anymore unless the pollen count is astronomical.

  5. The pollen is already horrible here too. I took out my contacts yesterday -- hoping to ditch the glasses again soon.

    1. Ick. Well, there's one reason why I'm glad I don't wear contacts! LOL

  6. Cathy - We have seriously high pollen counts around here, too :-(. Thank goodness for good allergy medication; otherwise I'd be in serious trouble.

    1. I'm just glad that my allergies are so slight that I don't have to take meds. I remember how they made me feel. But I certainly do empathize with everyone who must take them!

  7. When my grandparents moved to Phoenix (for her health), they decided the reason everyone had allergy problems was because they all planted everything they were familiar with - grass, pollen-bearing plants, etc.

    You asked how does James Patterson do it? He has other writers write them for him, that's how. And the books show it.

    1. That's definitely one major problem, Barbara, and I can get in a fine old rant about it: You now live in the desert, people. If you want your property to look like you're still in Michigan (or wherever), I suggest you get your butts back there! LOL

  8. Hard to believe oaks don't give those olive trees a run for the pollen. Soon my car will be yellow from it for weeks and my allergies are already bad...

    1. They probably would, Caite, but there aren't many oaks to be found in my corner of the Sonoran Desert!


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