Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Popular College Major Are You?

You Are English

You are a very verbal person. You can't help but pay attention to the actual words that people use.

You are intuitive and wise. You can usually pick up on undertones that others are missing.

You are analytical and critical. Very few details escape your observant eye.

You have a great appreciation for art and expression of all sorts. You don't have to like a book to value it.

What Popular College Major Are You?

[Yes, I did major in English in college!]


  1. I got English major too. Do you think it's because we said we'd read all weekend?

  2. Here we go again. I got English too, probably because I said I would read all weekend. But actually I majored in history with almost a second major in political science.

  3. Yes, it does seem as though the creator of the quiz thinks that the only college students who would willingly spend all weekend reading are English majors. Not so, Grasshopper!

  4. I guess they feel all avid readers, like book bloggers, have to be English majors. LOL


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