Friday, July 29, 2011

A Quiet Weekly Link Round-Up

That doesn't mean that the links I've rounded up are meek and mild; it just means that this past week has been a bit of a snooze here at Casa Kittling.  The two most exciting events have been the delivery of a new slow cooker and my making a start at reorganizing linen cupboards and a shelf or two in the pantry. See what I mean? A real yawn of a week-- but I'm not complaining since I also spent afternoons out in the pool reading, watching clouds evaporate in the sky, and trying to catch a glimpse or two of our shy summer visitors.

One of our shy summer visitors
All right, you talked me into sharing the best photo I've managed to take so far. The fellow you see peeking at me from the other side of the hummingbird feeder is a male juvenile Bullock's Oriole. He flew into our neck of the woods with a young female almost two weeks ago, and I hope they decide to stay until it's time to winter in Mexico.

The first couple of times I saw more than the tailfeathers of this guy, I thought to myself, "What a pretty boy!" With my leaning toward crime fiction, this pair of orioles have been christened "Pretty Boy Floyd" and "Ma Barker."

On to the links (and I'm not talking golf here)!

Bookish Lists & Quizzes

Bookish News & Other Fun Stuff

eBook News

Social Media & Blogging Tips

New to My Google Reader

That's all for this week. Don't forget to stop by next weekend when I'll have a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!


  1. Oh dear, I loved those ridiculous book titles :)

    And thank you for sharing your little visitor with us.

  2. What a lovely 'photo, Cathy! Thanks for sharing. And Dorte's right; what titles!!!

  3. The bird is beautiful, and I had to laugh at your parenthetical "duh" about laughter - so it was good for my heart I guess. :)

  4. Cathy, I like your bird names. The one in the picture is so cute and cheery yellow.

  5. #1 - I'd love to spend time reading by a pool!

    #2 - organized linen closets are a great accomplishment :)

    I think I envy your "yawn of a week"

  6. Dorte-- You're welcome!

    Margot-- Ah yes... those titles! LOL

    Alyce-- Great! :-D

    Barbara-- I wondered if anyone would comment about them!

    Dawn-- Sometimes I think I should do this for a living... and then I think again!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!