Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Hitching a Ride This Wordless Wednesday

Click to view full size. More Wordless Wednesday.


  1. wow, that is close! And very cool!

  2. Dragonflies are fascinating, aren't they? I'm amazed you got a closeup and so glad you did. Look at that face!

  3. Caite-- The little devil almost perched on the end of my nose. I think it wanted its fifteen minutes of fame because it sat there quite happily while I tried all sorts of angles and depths of field.

    Kathy-- Thanks!

    Barbara-- They hang out at the pool. Many times I've had them light on my book or my hat. I still think the inventor of stained glass was inspired by looking at dragonfly wings.

  4. SuziQ-- Seems as though all the critters around here show their appreciation by allowing me good photos now and again. Thanks!


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