Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Link Round-Up

Today I'm really multi-tasking: working at various tasks online while I'm listening to panels and joining in text chat at the Poisoned Pen Web Convention that's taking place all day long. For a mystery lover like me, it's wonderful to hear so many of my favorite authors. I'm learning and enjoying, and I certainly hope there's a repeat event next year!

One thing that I've noticed this week is that everyone is so wound up with Dewey's Read-a-thon that there hasn't been all that much news. In a way, it's a shame. In another, it just helps me out with this post. (Please no hate mail! The read-a-thon is a marvelous event, and I do not mean to infer anything else!)

Books in the News
  • Emily at Skylight Books has an excellent post about the ongoing Amazon vs. Wal-Mart bestseller price war.
  • The New York Times also talks about the price wars.
  • Sweden had 91 murders last year... and 84 crime novels. There's an interesting post about this at the Globalpost.
Blogging Tips and Social Media
Around the Water Cooler in the Book Blogosphere
New to My Google Reader
That's it for this week. Stop by next week when I'll have a whole new bunch of links for you to take a look at!


  1. I liked that Greedy blogger post and about twitter, fun :)

  2. I also found the Greedy Blogger Post and the one about commenting useful.

  3. I always find the links useful, and am kind of grateful there are so few, because it makes me feel less behind this week. I am in awe of people who can put their lives away so tidily that they can spend all weekend reading books!

  4. Blodeuedd-- I'm glad you liked those!

    Dorte-- Great!

    Jeanne-- You're not the only one, but then I work every weekend which is the major reason why you'll never see me joining in a Read-a-thon.


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