Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Technologically Annoyed Weekly Link Round-Up


Things have been going so well here at Casa Kittling. Denis is feeling (and moving around) better. We've both been rejuvenated by our trip to the zoo, and we're already talking about going to the Desert Botanical Garden next Thursday when the weather has made promises that it will be gorgeous and warm.

Naturally, some gremlin had to throw a monkey wrench at my head to darken my mood.

What happened? Well, I purchased H&R Block tax software from Amazon as I have done for several years. I got the email, followed the instructions, went to H&R Block's activation page so I could download and install the software, filled in all the blanks, and... nothing.

After several attempts, I called the H&R Block support number. All that did was make me see 200 shades of red. An automated voice told me exactly what I'd already read and done from the email and from Amazon. Could I speak to an actual human? Of course not! So I'm stuck with a nonrefundable purchase that I can't use.  Grrr! Somehow, I'm going to get that software downloaded and installed, blast it! I refuse to lose!

I'm still managing to smile, and I hope y'all are reading some good books that take you away from your worries. I have read two A+ books back-to-back, and am almost finished with another good'un. 

I may not be including a raft of book banning links, but that doesn't mean I'm not keeping an eye on things and putting in my two cents where possible.

Enjoy the links!

Books & Other Interesting Tidbits

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones

►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett

►The Wanderer

►Fascinating Folk

►I ♥ Lists

That's all for this week! No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. I can't tell you how glad I am that you and Denis have had the chance to get and about, Cathy. It's good to hear the weather cooperated, too! As for that software? GRRRR!!!! It's so frustrating, isn't it, when something that's supposed to be straightforward ends up tangling you in knots. I really hope you get it straightened out soon. As for me, I'm off to Milan...

    1. I think you like secret passageways as much as I do!

  2. I'm sorry you can't get that software to work! Technological glitches like that are the worst. I'm going to have to update my computer this year and I'm already dreading it.

  3. Hope you guys get to go to the Botanical Gardens soon. I've loved the 2 visits we've made there when were in your area. Have a good week and good luck with technological issues!

    1. Well, we've booked Dial-a-Ride to get us there Thursday, so fingers crossed nothing prevents our going!

  4. What a great year of music 1975 was. I still listen to a lot of it. You've just reminded me that I need to plan a trip to our own local botanical garden, one of my favorite day trips.

    1. There's something very peaceful and calming about wandering through a botanical garden.

  5. So glad you both got out to the zoo, but am sorry about the technical glitches. It is so frustrating not to get a real live human to talk to. I call very late at night and get a call center person in another country and can discuss a problem that way. I can't wait to see what those Aplus books are. I need some book inspirations. Am finishing Attica Locke's final Darren Mathews book, "Guide Me Home," a good one. But she's not writing novels any longer; Hollywood has pulled her into writing and more. I'm watching movies like crazy to try to distract from what is happening.

    1. I need a few movies to watch, too-- especially since I'm trying to get a knitting project completed by a certain date.

  6. I liked "For the People," a legal TV show on streaming and "All Rise," another legal show. I watch 42 episodes of "Body of Proof," about a medical examiner. I heard the new movie with Sterling K. Brown on Hulu is good. I love Will Trent and High Potential on Hulu. I'm always looking for a good show or series.


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