Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Smiling Weekly Link Round-Up


I've been enjoying myself so much that I've let some things slide here on the blog. I don't post five days a week as I used to. (Actually, I once posted seven days a week, so I guess this cutback isn't unprecedented.) There will be changes, but I have absolutely no intentions of disappearing entirely-- I enjoy all y'all's company too much. I have a backlog of books that I need to tell you about and completed knitting projects that I have yet to share. There are also several books that are on my radar that I'd like to alert you to. So many things, but Lazy Me has gotten used to the siren call of a book and a patch of sunshine.

Denis and I hopped on our scooters and zipped over to Target recently. I had accrued quite a few bonus rewards that could only be redeemed in the store, plus there was a prescription for my leg (still improving--yay!), and I wanted to get caught up on my Covid and flu vaccines. We got everything accomplished-- taking home $75 worth of merchandise after paying only $20 for it-- and buzzed back home. 

Denis mugging for my camera

Denis just came back from seeing his new pain management doctor, and she seems much more proactive than the previous MD. She's prescribed a stomach-friendly pain killer as well as a minimally-invasive procedure to address his lower back pain. (He's got bone-on-bone vertebra below where all the surgery was done.) Things are definitely looking up, and we're planning to celebrate my birthday/our 23rd wedding anniversary with a trip to the Phoenix Zoo to see all the new residents (which include lion cubs and meerkats). 

I'd better shut up and start rounding up those links. Sending smiles and virtual hugs to you all. Enjoy!

Books & Other Interesting Tidbits

►Channeling My Indiana Jones

►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett

►The Wanderer

►Fascinating Folk

►I ♥ Lists
That's all for this week! No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. I'm so glad things are looking up for you, Cathy! It just shows you how much sunshine you feel when you start to feel better. Even little things like finding what you want at Target make a big difference. Your birthday/anniversary trip sounds fun, too! Speaking of trips, I'm off to that Egyptian tomb (but you guessed that, I'm sure!).

    1. Yes, I did happen to guess where you'd be headed. ;-)

  2. Glad your leg is doing better and that Denis's new doctor seems to be helping him, too. And a patch of sunshine and a book sounds really good to me right now! I've never been able to post everyday, or even five days in a week. Though I do try to post something every three days or so. I'm happy you're planning stick around whatever your new blogging schedule looks like. And I hope you enjoy your trip to the zoo!

    1. I am planning to stick around, Lark-- I'm close to my 20th blogiversary!

  3. Cathy, so happy to hear an update on you and Denis. Sounds like you two are definitely improving and I hope you guys enjoy the zoo, etc. Happy Anniversary to come! As to blogging, just do what works for you. We'll still be around. Hey, do you two have races to Target?? LOL

    1. I don't know why, but we were very sedate going to and from Target. I think we were just glad to be going somewhere that wasn't a doctor's office!

  4. Smiles and hugs back to you - so glad your 2025 is starting well! Now I have to decide which enticing link to follow first...

    1. I hope your 2025 is starting well, too, FR. :-)

  5. Oh that list of list links. My heart. I love a good list. Denis is so funny. You did really well at Target. I am horrible at the rewards stuff and always walk out with a few things I had no planned on buying. I do like that Target carries groceries now.

    1. Since I worked for the company for over 30 years and still get an employee discount, I'm glad that they carry groceries, too. :-)


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