Sunday, December 15, 2024



How are you all? Doing well, I hope! I thought it would be a good idea to check in with you all since I didn't post anything last week. 

Denis has been having a few stomach issues. With all that back surgery and the metalwork holding his spine together, he's on some heavy duty pain meds, one of which is known to cause stomach ulcers. He's stopped taking it, but the loss of that one painkiller means that his back is hurting more. If it's not one thing, it's forty-'leven others, isn't it? *sigh* Hopefully, this is straightened out soon.

On the other hand, my leg continues to improve. So much so that I was hoping Denis and I could get out and do something non-medical... like going to the Desert Botanical Garden to see it decked out for Christmas. Alas, December has been a seemingly never-ending round of medical appointments for us both. At least there's something to look forward to in the new year!

I'm going to try to fire up the computer later on in the week to at least keep you posted on what I've been reading, but I can't promise anything. I've been enjoying myself way too much spending time with Denis and mowing through one book after another.

A virtual hug to each and every one of you!


  1. I'm so glad you stopped in to say, 'hello' Cathy! It's also great to hear your leg is improving. I'm sorry to hear about Denis' stomach, though. As you say, it's always something, and I hope you're able to resolve everything soon. Thinking of you...

  2. Glad to see an update - thanks for checking in! I'll pray for a swift solution to the medication muddle for Denis, and that the improvement for your leg continues. At least there are always more books to read as a way to get through times like these. And here's a virtual {hug} for you in return 🙂

  3. So glad to hear from you that your leg is improving. and that you are engrossed in books.But sorry about Denis. There are painkillers that do not cause stomach problems. I hope he can get those. And I hope you both can get to the Desert Botanical Gardens sometime soon. And have a good holiday despite the health problems, I hope.

  4. Thanks for the update. I was concerned that perhaps your health news about your leg had changed. So glad that it seems to be progressing well and you have hopes of visiting the Desert Botanical Gardens soon. Hope Denis finds relief and other medication that works well for his pain. We have never met but you seem like a friend due to me reading and enjoying your wonderful blog. A virtual hug back to you. Enjoy the holidays!

    1. You're definitely a friend, Lynn. Thanks for the hug!

  5. So glad to hear your leg is improving! That's a blessing. But I'm sorry Denis is having more issues. Dealing with pain and meds is never fun. Here's hoping he gets some relief. And I hope you get to take your fun excursion. Wishing you a great week! :D

    1. I hope you're having a good week, too, Lark. I decided to fire up the computer while Denis went to one of his doctor's appointments.

  6. I echo what others are saying above - glad about your leg improvement, so sorry about Denis' med and stomach issues. I do hope you guys are able to get out a bit before long. Know you'd love to see the botanical gardens with their Christmas glory displayed. Always thinking of you Cathy. Take care and hugs to you!

    1. I'm loving all these hugs! I'll just have to give some back to all of you!

  7. And we can't wait to hear the book and movie reviews. And hugs to you, too, for a better new year for both of you.


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