Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Reading Outside Is Fun!

Found Image

I love to read outside, and I long ago lost track of the thousands of pages of books I've turned while out in the fresh air and sunshine. There's just something about books and the outdoors that makes me feel so alive and at peace-- all at the same time.

To be honest, since digital cameras became available, my outside reading time has been shared with my camera because I love to photograph wildlife and flowers. From hummingbirds that perch on the brim of my hat to dragonflies that like to rest on my iced tea bottle, wildlife has done nothing but enhance my outdoor reading time.

This photograph I found illustrates my point. I can see myself happily set up here. The sweet scent of the flowers. Lounging on the cushions, cold drink within reach, book in hand, and camera at the ready. I like to think that there's a pond to the left out of camera range and that I'm reading and waiting for a critter to come for a drink. Maybe I'll take a photo. Maybe I won't. There's something to be said for just enjoying being in the moment, isn't there?


  1. Love this photo and would love to be there with book, iced tea, snacks, as you suggest. But I'd want netting or a screen to keep out bugs. And your photos are always excellent, and I know I always feel like I've been at the Phoenix Zoo, the Heard Museum, and the other flora/fauna locations you haunt. it's a virtual vacation time for me.

    1. Most of the time, the bugs leave me alone, thankfully.

  2. All that lovely greenery! Yes, a cold drink, a good book, and that comfortable bench - what a great reading afternoon that would be.

  3. Reading outside is fun, though I tend to spend more time observing nature than reading my book when I do. I've had a Rufous Hummingbird visiting my feeders this week as he migrates south for the winter. So pretty, but SO territorial. :D

    1. I always know when a Rufous is making a pit stop here at Casa Kittling even though they try their best to stay out of sight. It's hard to describe, but their wings make a metallic-sounding buzz as they fly, which is completely different from the resident hummers.

    2. You do hear them coming! That deeper thrum of theirs always surprises me when they first come back.

  4. Nope, not for me. When I'm outside I'm too busy observing wildlife, watching clouds, listening to birdsong and cicadas, and meditating on life to read. Reading is strictly an indoor sport for me.

    1. It has to be a VERY good book for me to lose track of the wildlife and the sky. We get some amazing cloud formations during monsoon season, too.

  5. I'd love the chance to read in that spot!


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