Tuesday, June 18, 2024

At The Poisoned Pen with Susan Elia MacNeal!

It had been a long time since Denis and I went to The Poisoned Pen Bookstore to attend an author event, mainly due to the fact that Dial-a-Ride kept us waiting two-and-a-half hours on a dark, cold street corner for our ride home. But when I saw that one of our favorites, Susan Elia MacNeal, was appearing on Denis's birthday, we both decided to throw caution to the wind. After all, it may be dark after 8 PM in June, but it's not going to be cold! 

Denis and I enjoyed ourselves, and Dial-a-Ride was right on time to take us home, so that's an encouraging sign for future visits. I'm sharing some of the photos I took during the event. If you'd like to watch the event itself, you can see it on Facebook Live or The Poisoned Pen's YouTube channel. Susan talks about ending her Maggie Hope series and the new books we'll be able to enjoy in the future.

We all raised a glass to Susan and Maggie.

Susan being interviewed by staff member John Charles.

Susan being interviewed by Barbara Peters.

Susan Elia MacNeal

Barbara Peters

The Last Hope is a fitting end to Maggie's "doing her bit" during World War II. I look forward to Susan's future books.


  1. I'm so very glad you and Denis got the chance to go to the PP! It sounds as though the event went really well, too. Now I have to look up Susan Elia MacNeal's work!

  2. I love it! So glad you two got to go to this event and a great author to get to hear speak. Also happy that your ride worked out and, yes, hopeful for future events. I want to go back reread the whole 'Maggie' series. I haven't been caught up on it in a while and since this one is the last, why not? LOL

  3. So glad your ride was smoother and more timely this time! Hoping this portends well for future trips for you and Denis.


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