Wednesday, June 05, 2024

A Nest of Vipers by Harini Nagendra

First Line: "Where did all the animals go?" asked Miss Roberts, poking Kaveri with a bony finger.
It's 1922, and Edward, Prince of Wales, is visiting India. Due to rioting in other cities, security has never been tighter in Bangalore. Kaveri Murthy has been busy teaching women to read and solving small crimes that are brought to her attention, but a request for help brings her into the world of jadoo-- Indian street magic-- and a possible plot against the visiting prince.
I really enjoy Harini Nagendra's Bangalore Detectives Club mysteries, but I have to admit that my greatest enjoyment lies in immersing myself in the books' setting. A Nest of Vipers is no exception. 
Did I like trying to figure out what was going on amidst all the magicians, snake charmers, sleight-of-hand, and rope tricks? Yes, I certainly did. I also like the fact that, rather than trying to change his wife and her predilection for crime-solving, her husband, Dr. Ramu Murthy, plays a much larger role in this book. He's not only trying to keep her safe, but he also helps solve the mystery.
Kaveri is a wonderful character. She's a wealthy woman who does not see social status. She has friends from all walks of life and will help anyone-- especially downtrodden women from low castes. She is pursuing a degree in mathematics as well as teaching women to read and, with the help of her mother-in-law, running her household. And speaking of her mother-in-law, I am so glad that she has transformed from the stereotypical hateful witch to a staunch ally for Kaveri.
As I said earlier, I love immersing myself in Nagendra's setting. A Nest of Vipers brought home to me how volatile 1920s India was. Gandhi's writings were not allowed in libraries. Being in the independence movement was incredibly dangerous because there were so many spies on both sides. People could never be sure of whom they could trust. 
When you combine such an incredibly rich, layered setting with a mystery filled with twists and turns and such sympathetic characters, you have a winning series. After reading A Nest of Vipers, I can't wait to see what the next book will bring. If you like historical mysteries, I highly recommend Harini Nagendra. Start at the beginning with The Bangalore Detectives Club. Oh! A word of warning: the food is mouth-wateringly good. You might not want to read these books while you're hungry!   

A Nest of Vipers by Harini Nagendra
ISBN: 9781639366149
Pegasus Crime © 2024
Hardcover, 352 pages
Historical Mystery, #3 Bangalore Detectives Club
Rating: B+
Source: The Publisher


  1. I liked the first one - The Bangalore Detectives Club - very much, Cathy, and it sounds as though this one has just as much of a sense of place, time, and character. It's good to know I've got something to look forward to now. Ooh, and I see a Craig Johnson in your 'current read' list - hope you're enjoying it!

  2. I want to read this series soon. It got a 'thumbs-up' mention at our mystery book group meeting earlier this week and also Sujata Massey's series as well. That time period in India is quite interesting indeed.

  3. I have read the first two books in this series and all of Sujata Massey's series and I like the focus on women's roles and developments. I will read this book when I can get it from the library.

    1. The time period is so rich, and there's so much to learn.

  4. I am enjoying this series as well, Cathy! This one was probably my least favorite in the series so far, but I still really enjoyed it. Like you said, the setting is wonderful as are the characters.

    1. I agree, Gretchen. (Good to see you!) This probably is my "least" favorite in the series, but-- like you-- I still really enjoyed it.

    2. Good to see you too, Cathy! 🙂


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