Tuesday, May 21, 2024

April at the Desert Botanical Garden

Although Denis and I had gone to the Desert Botanical Garden at the beginning of April while Daisy and Suzanne were here, we had to go again because spring is Prime Time there.

Come along as we wander through the place that was recently voted one of the most beautiful gardens in the U.S.

I love coming to the garden when the palo verdes are in bloom.

Although... if you hate the color yellow, you might want to give the place a miss in the spring!

The fishhook barrel cacti were all showing off.

This probably isn't a good time of year to visit for allergy sufferers either.

Most people passed by this female desert spiny lizard without seeing her.

Pam's Pink Honeysuckle

Pretties in the Heritage Garden

The Heritage Garden has become one of my favorite places to explore.

Iceberg Rose

Dagger Cholla

These mama squirrels liked my raw sunflower kernels at the Patio Cafe.

One of the paths you can wander.

Some cacti blooms aren't as photogenic as others.

This Red Foxtail Cactus belongs to the Woolly Cactus family.

See what I mean about it not being quite as photogenic?

Now we're back to the photogenic ones!

The pincushion cactus

A spring moon says she, tongue in cheek.

Where the sunshine truly is golden.

The Texas Olive

On the Desert Wildflower Trail

Iconic Arizona. Palo verdes, cholla, saguaros, and a brilliant blue sky.

Thanks for coming along with us on this trip to the Desert Botanical Garden. We're contemplating another visit because it's baby Gambel's quail season now. There's always a reason to go back!


  1. What a beautiful place, Cathy! It's just breathtaking. And the thing about the desert is, she hides her beauty. You have to look closely and be patient. But when you see it, you don't forget it.

    1. And in the spring, you don't even have to look closely. Everything can be golden.

  2. How absolutely beautiful, especially those flowers. And as an allergy sufferer, I am so glad to enjoy the beauty from afar via this blog. (Oh, MSNBC is reporting on now attacks on birth control. Hope people are ready to oppose this ridiculousness.

    1. I hope they are, too. I hope all those people who thought their votes didn't count have learned the errors of their ways.

    2. I think ir's tough this year as one may have major differences with one candidate on policy and priorities but yet despise the other for so many reasons that are obvious based on past and present actions, comments and behavior.

    3. I must be simple-minded because I have one major priority, so it's not a difficult choice for me. What scares me is almost half of Americans do not know the truth about the state of the economy, etc. I think too many of them are getting their news from masquerading Russians.

    4. Which is where most of the masquerading Russians are.

  3. I love your photos! Especially the one of that spiny lizard. :D

    1. She and I watched each other for awhile with all those other people streaming past unawares. ;-)

  4. Love your caption on the statue photo :)

    Looks like you had another great day for a visit to such a beautiful place.

    1. I wondered if anyone would notice that photo and its caption. :-)

  5. Wonderful pictures. Thanks for the tour.

    1. You're welcome, Dorothy. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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