Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Rebellious Weekly Link Round-Up


Denis and I did get to the Phoenix Zoo last week, and we had a very enjoyable outing (once all the screaming grade schoolers got back on their buses). Now that I've typed that, I feel like a curmudgeon, but when did non-stop, ear-splitting shrieking become an indicator of enjoyment? Laughter would be so much better! See? I'm not against all noise, just the DANGER WILL ROBINSON type that should mean lives are at stake.

And that reminds me of a lesson my mother taught me. (Mom would've been 88 this past Monday.) I would be outside playing with the neighbor kids, and a lot of screaming was involved. Mom finally had enough and came out to have a little chat with us. She told us that the major way she "kept an eye on us" while we were outside was by sound-- and that screaming meant that something was very wrong: call an ambulance wrong. That made perfect sense to us all, and we quickly supplanted screeching with shouts and laughter. Much better. 

Funny how lessons like that can last a lifetime.

Now... to get back to the Phoenix Zoo, photos will be shared. Probably next Wednesday. Many of you faithful readers undoubtedly noticed that there were no book reviews posted this week. Now that I'm getting out and about, I have even less time to spend doing things I normally do, and I have to admit that I rebelled and decided it was a No Book Reviews Week. I may resume regular posting next week. Taking October off is having repercussions.

The new Predator Passage at the Phoenix Zoo.

I'm going back to my book now. It may be a Did Not Finish because I'm tiring of the author's attempts to be clever-- and telling us about it when he thinks he is.

Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►"Best of 2023" Book Lists◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. Honestly, Cathy, I'm with you when it comes to noisy shrieking. Not. A. Fan. I'm glad you got to the zoo, though, and I can't wait to see the pictures. As soon as I get back from that Egyptian cemetery...

    1. I thought you might be paying your respects. ;-)

  2. I'm so glad you both were well enough to go to the zoo, one of your favorite places. And fine that you took time off from writing book reviews. Every blogger deserves vacations. I am so overwhelmed by so many book recommendations that I'll be consulting Kittling Books about what to read.

    1. I've got quite a backlog of reviews to get caught up on, although I'm not going to bother with the ones I didn't finish.

  3. Cathy, I think it's fine to have a 'no reviews' week. You've done so many for so long and they are wonderful. However, we all need to be kind to ourselves and have some fun - whatever that is. I've started two books in the last couple of days, read a little, and decided that I didn't want to continue either of them. Not going to mention what they are, but why is so hard to set them down and start something else? I tell others to do that all the time. Ha!

    1. I tell others the same thing, too. I think there just might be little eternal optimists in us that keep whispering that the book is going to get better. As long as they keep whispering, it's hard for us to draw the line and close the book.

  4. There are some of those "best new fictional detectives" that I still haven't met and I need to make their acquaintance in the new year. That giant Aztec snakehead is amazing. Amazing in quite another way is the story about 1,000 birds being killed in one night by colliding with a Chicago highrise. Amazing and utterly heartbreaking.

  5. Glad you enjoyed your zoo outing...despite the screaming kids. And I totally agree with what your mom said when you were growing up. She sounds like a very wise woman. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. My mother certainly had a knack for explaining things to me so that they made sense. And I can't remember a time when I didn't have a say in important matters that affected both of us.

  6. I'm so glad you got to the zoo - I know it's one of your favorite places. I'm looking forward to your photos already. Now I have to go check out that giant Aztec snake...

    1. I wish Denis and I could get out to our favorite zoo, but it's outside the Dial-a-Ride transportation zone. The Wildlife World Zoo is much larger, has more animals, doesn't get as congested with humans, AND has a brand-new baby rhino right now.

    2. Is there alternative transportation to get to the WWZoo?

    3. Two alternatives, one of which is extremely expensive, and the other which would leave both our scooters out of charge. We don't like either choice.

  7. Totally with you on this one. Can't imagine how relieved the animals must have felt when those buses pulled away from the zoo.

    1. I can't imagine having to put up with that every single day.

  8. I do like your tidbit links. So much of interest.

  9. I didn't get to your weekend post until Monday, but wanted to say that I love the story you told about your mother. What a smart woman she was! Also, I completely understand about taking time away from writing reviews having percussions (sigh). Hope you week has started out well!

  10. Haha - some of the *repercussions are not being able to type🙄.


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