Thursday, December 28, 2023

A Looking Ahead to the New Year Weekly Link Round-Up


The week between Christmas and New Year's Day has always been a rather contemplative one for me. I take stock of the past year and look ahead to the new one. Denis and I are enjoying getting out and doing things that don't involve doctors, but this enjoyment is a double-edged sword for me.

"Out and about" means that I don't have my feet up as much as I should, and although my problem leg has almost healed, now the other one is showing signs of wanting to go haywire. I've got to get my legs up, blast it, and since blogging can consist of hours of sitting at a computer, I'm going to have to cut down on my posts. 

The most immediate cutback will concern my annual reading statistics posts with all the graphs. Those things are very time-consuming, and I'm just going to have to cut back. Methinks I'll only go into detail on a couple of things and then hit the highlights on some of the rest. But that's just one week's solution.

While I go back to contemplating...

Enjoy the links! Happy New Year! Here's to another twelve months of fantastic books to read!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
  • The Black sailor, Lionel Licorish, whose heroic actions during a shipwreck made him an instant celebrity of the Roaring Twenties.
  • How children's book author Leo Lionni urged his readers to be change makers.
  • The master forgers who saved thousands of lives during World War II.
  • How James McNeill Whistler captured life in the big city.
  • These may be the last photos ever taken of Florence Nightingale.
  • Meet Es Devlin, the woman who set the stage for BeyoncĂ©, the Olympics, and the Royal Opera House.
►More Best of 2023 Lists◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. Much as I love your blog posts and your charts and so on, Cathy, I agree completely that your health needs to come first. That's just how it is. So I completely understand your needing to cut back on your posts. I think it's wise to really take stock of all of that and make sure you're taking care of yourself. Wishing you all the best for 2024! Now, off to Indonesia...

  2. I love your charts, Cathy, but I imagine it takes an immense amount of work. Hope you take some time this weekend to put your legs up and read! Happy New Year!

    1. You better believe I'm going to get comfy and read! I've got an excellent book to be kept glued to. (Brendan Slocumb's Symphony of Secrets) Happy New Year!

  3. I really enjoy your year-end recaps, Cathy. Maybe you can make them multiple, shorter posts? Do take care of yourself; I'm sorry to hear that you have to be so careful because I can imagine how frustrating that must be for you and Denis. Happy Reading for 2024!

    1. I really don't like the idea of cutting back on blogging, but I'm enjoying getting out too much to want to cut back on that. (I want it all, dangnabbit!) Happy New Year, Sam!

  4. Sorry your other leg is acting up! Your year-end recaps are always fun, even in a shortened version. Take care of yourself and have a good weekend! :D


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