Sunday, November 26, 2023

On My Radar: Vicki Delany's The Sign of Four Spirits!


I first became acquainted with Vicki Delany through her Molly Smith police procedural series set in British Columbia. I've also had the pleasure of meeting her a few times at The Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona. She's a prolific writer who's written books in several genres, and she seems to really be enjoying herself with cozy mysteries right now. In fact, her Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series set on Cape Cod is one of my favorites, so it should come as no surprise that I was very happy to find out that its main character, Gemma Doyle, will have a new investigation soon. Let me tell you more about it.

Available January 9, 2024!


"When a psychic fair arrives in West London, Gemma Doyle, owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, wants nothing to do with it. But somehow, at the urging of Donald Morris, an enthusiastic Sherlockian, she finds herself talked into attending a séance, along with baker and best friend Jayne Wilson, store assistant, Ashleigh, and former pop star Bunny Leigh.

But to her surprise, Gemma finds herself banned from the séance and shown the door. Curious, she listens in from outside the room. The medium informs a disappointed Donald that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will not be able to make it tonight. Then, Gemma hears a voice cut off, a cry for help, a scream. Gemma bursts into the library to see that someone has collapsed on the table--dead. The windows are all locked, and Gemma was guarding the only door. Someone in this room is a murderer. But who?

The game is once again afoot for Gemma Doyle, as she hunts a killer. But, this time, is the killer of flesh and blood or had the medium summoned doom from beyond the veil?

Locked room mysteries are one of my favorites, so I'm really looking forward to reading The Sign of Four Spirits. If you've already made the acquaintance of Gemma Doyle, I'm sure you are, too. If you're not familiar with the series, I highly recommend it.


  1. I honestly have no idea how Vicki Delany can be so prolific and create such great reads, Cathy. Somehow she manages! And this one looks great - no wonder it's on your radar.

    1. As Delany says herself, she's a one-woman crime wave!

  2. I love mysteries with seances...and her bookshop sounds lovely, I think I would enjoy this one. :D

  3. I hadn't heard of this series before. Looks good.


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