Sunday, September 17, 2023

On My Radar: Robert Dugoni's One Last Kill!


It should come as no surprise that I've added several authors to my must-read list by attending events at my marvelous local indie bookstore, The Poisoned Pen. When I attended the event for Bryan Gruley and Robert Dugoni in 2018, I liked what Dugoni had to say so much that I bought the first book in his Tracy Crosswhite series, and I've never looked back.

Poisoned Pen owner Barbara Peters with Robert Dugoni

I'm savoring the series slowly, but I enjoy the growth of the main character and the stories so much that I snap up each new book as it's released, knowing that it's going to be a Sure Thing. When I learned that a new Tracy Crosswhite book was on the horizon, I put in a pre-order and then zipped out to do a few figure eights on my scooter. Let me tell you more about the newest book!

Available October 3, 2023!


"Tracy Crosswhite is reopening the investigation into Seattle’s Route 99 serial killer. After thirteen victims, he stopped hunting and the trail went cold, stirring public outrage. Now, nearly three decades after his first kill, Tracy is expected to finally bring closure to the victims’ families and redeem the Seattle PD’s reputation. Even if it means working with her nemesis, Captain Johnny Nolasco.

Lead detective of the original task force, Nolasco dares Tracy to do what he failed to: close the case. Forming an uneasy alliance, Tracy and Nolasco revisit old leads and pursue new evidence only to unearth high-level corruption and cover-ups as dangerous as the elusive killer himself. At the risk of being exposed, such deadly and powerful forces will go to extremes to stay in the shadows.

That’s just where Tracy and Nolasco are headed―to find the twisted truth behind a killer’s motives, his disappearance, and his chilling comeback."
I'm looking forward to adding One Last Kill to my digital security blanket. Tracy Crosswhite is one of my favorite characters, and I always want to know what she's up to.
Are you already a Tracy Crosswhite fan? If you are, then I know that you'll be reading this book. If you haven't made her acquaintance and like mysteries with strong female leads set in the Pacific Northwest, I highly recommend this series.


  1. This sounds so tempting, Cathy. And your post is a good example of how we can 'meet' new authors, and why it benefits authors to do live, in-person events when it's possible. People do get to know you that way.

  2. I have heard good things about this author and the characters he creates. I am not surprised you are a fan!

    1. I keep telling myself that I'm going to read books in the other series he's written, but I haven't made time for that. Yet.

  3. I'm still working my way through the first books in this series (I've read the first three); and I really do like Tracy.

  4. This is an author who's been on my "want to read" list for a while but (sigh) it is such a long list. Nevertheless, I do hope to get to him this year - maybe even in October. This new book does pique my interest.

    1. I think you'd enjoy his Tracy Crosswhite books, Dorothy.

  5. Discovery of this series was a side effect of the pandemic, with the result that I've already enjoyed all of the prior entries. I'm looking forward to this one!

    1. You're reminding me that I Must. Read. Faster. LOL

  6. I have to get into this series. (sigh)


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