Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Wednesday's Feathered Acrobat


A couple of summers ago, this little bird both surprised and entertained me while I was sitting in the pool reading. I don't even know what kind of bird it is, so I'm hoping that someone (Dorothy?) will be able to help me with an identification.

How did it surprise and entertain me?

It wasn't satisfied with hopping around the waterfall. It darted into the oleanders, and, after a minute or two, it flew right into the pool water where it stayed for a couple of seconds before it flew back into the oleanders. Over the course of three days, it did this several times.

Let me tell you, the first time it did this, I immediately started to move, thinking that I was going to have to rescue it. But no... that's how it preferred to take a bath and get a drink. I have no idea why it turned its beak up at all the birdbaths close by, but I did enjoy the little acrobat!


  1. Wow, what a show, Cathy! And what a nice treat for you, too, to be able to see it. And it looks as though that little acrobat was having fun!

  2. I think your visitor may be a vireo - possibly Red-eyed Vireo.

    1. Thanks, Dorothy. That was one of the possibilities I had it narrowed down to.

  3. He does look like a vireo. Fun to have him visit your yard like that. :D

    1. We've had all sorts of interesting visitors fly through over the years. :-)

  4. He took the road less traveled, using the pool instead of the more ordinary birdbath :)

    1. I think he must've been a bit of a show-off!


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