Sunday, July 30, 2023

July Additions to My Digital Security Blanket


Are you sitting down?

You probably thought the day would never come, but it has.

I bought absolutely no new eBooks or audiobooks during the entire month of July.

None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I knew you'd be shocked!


  1. Huh? I am in a state of shock over this news. Well, I assume you have your new book shipment and a good stock of digital books to tide you over for the near future. I know a book scarcity does not exist at Casa Kittling. Heavens no.

    1. No indeed. I have, literally, hundreds of both physical and digital books to "tide me over"!

  2. You know, Cathy, I *am* surprised, but I understand the feeling. I have so much to read that right now, I'm not buying anything new - well, at least not at the moment. There's just so much I want to get through, first...

    1. I find that I'm enjoying reading through bits and pieces of my stockpile.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, but I think it was due more to distraction than restraint!

  4. Who is this...and what did you do with the real Cathy?

  5. Wow! This is the most convincing way that I can think of for you to convey how much time and effort you had to put into all the doctor visits and other life details (broad hand gestures included) during the past month. Enjoy browsing through and reading from your home stockpile!

    1. You hit the nail smack dab square on the head, Kate. All the medical jazz really commandeered my time and attention, and-- as I told Margot-- I am enjoying grazing through sections of my stockpile. :-)

  6. That sounds like fun. I can't wait until I get my Kindle working and can load it up and pick books depending on my mood. (I was beginning to think this was an invasion of the body snatchers scenario, but it seems to be very grounded.)

    1. I really liked it when Kindle made it possible to categorize the downloaded books into different genres... or any other classification you choose to use. It can make hunting for "mood reading" easier.


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