Thursday, March 02, 2023

A Hello Wind Good-bye Carport Weekly Link Round-Up


Another storm came roaring through last week on the day I had a doctor's appointment. I'm thrilled for the snow/water this parched land is receiving, but I have to admit that I am looking forward to temperatures staying in the 70s for more than a day at a time here and there.

But imagine my surprise when I opened the carport door on appointment day to discover that the storm that came roaring through had ripped the carport off the side of Casa Kittling and tried to deposit its ill-gotten gains on the neighbors' property!
It's easy to see where the carport used to be attached to the side of the house.

There went my shady spot for needlepoint and audiobook listening!

Naturally, this meant calls to the insurance company as well as the cable company to send a tech out to repair the line that was almost ripped off the house, too. Goodness! We could've been without internet or TV streaming-- a thought I want to shove right back out of my mind... So far, the one thing we intentionally lost was the telephone line coming into the house. We haven't had a landline for years.

Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄
►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

And spend some quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. Oh, how awful that the carport was blown into a neighbor's yard. I hope you can get a new one soon so you can read in your usual spot. On reading links, giraffes do have strange mating practices. I saw a giraffe born on TV and the baby's folded up legs come out first, unfolding as it
    is coming out and the feet hit the ground. But it does rest for awhile before standing up and wobbling towards its mother. I had known a bit about Sophie Scholl. She and her brother were brave, but they are heroes in Germany, as are many resisters. A friend told me in Hamburg, there are plaques outside the homes of resisters. I love the Octavia's Bookshelf story and sent it on to a fan of her writing. I wish I lived near it. And more books on lists. Yikes. I just read and loved The Last Remains, have Exiles to go and also bought Kingsolver's new book, as the library had 600 holds. On to a new carport and happy reading.

    1. Hopefully, the new carport will be in place by the end of next week.

  2. Oh, my! That's terrible, Cathy! I'm so glad you two weren't hurt, but still, that's awful! I hope you get it all straightened out with the insurance company and so on. And what a relief that you didn't also lose your WiFi or your TV. Yikes! As you say, it's good that it rained, but this? No, thanks! Hope you have an easier week! Now I'm off to (I know you guessed it) that shipwreck.

    1. This week hasn't been easier. In fact, we lost something else. When it rains, it pours. But at least we're okay!

    2. Oh, no! That's horrible! I'm glad you two are OK, but still! We've had such freaky weather. I hope you get repairs done soon.

    3. It looks as though the new carport will be here next Friday.

  3. Wow. That was some wind. I'm glad your house wasn't damaged and that you didn't lose your TV or internet! Hope you're able to get it fixed (and that your insurance covers the cost!). Hope the rest of March brings only good weather your way. Have a good weekend!

    1. March isn't beginning auspiciously, but we're hoping the end of the month will be better!

    2. Remember that old saying: March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. But with the climate crisis, who knows what March will end with?

    3. I don't even want to think about possible alternatives!

  4. As always, a thoroughly interesting roundup with several links I've visited and more I'll come back to later. I was especially glad to visit the link regarding Shirley Chisholm, a person that I greatly admired.

  5. Wow! That's some wind, Cathy! Hope you guys get things sorted soon and can have a new one built that will withstand the wind. Must have hit just right in order to tear it off.

    1. Yes, just the right angle. I'm also wondering if the huge Aleppo pine no longer being there has something to do with the wind being more destructive.

  6. My goodness you are having some crazy weather down there this year! Hope you get some better weather soon and are able to find another spot for reading in the shade. Have a good weekend!

    1. It's a good weekend (so far) since nothing else has blown down! LOL

  7. Oh dear! So sorry to see your problems with your carport!

    Thank you for all the lovely links, Cathy.

    1. You're welcome, Deb. And as far as problems go, this was minor, thank heavens!


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