Thursday, May 19, 2022

A Tenterhooks Weekly Link Round-Up


Yesterday (Tuesday), Denis had his picc line removed. We had a celebratory dinner, and I'm certainly not missing all the times each day when there would be volleys of oaths filling the air as the tubing from the infusion pump caught on Denis's toes or wrapped itself around the steering wheel of his scooter.
Now it's a waiting game. Denis goes in for an MRI next week to see (1) if the infection is gone, and (2) what exactly is wrong with his spine. We're hoping that the infection is gone because then the doctors can get to work on what's causing the awful pain in his spine. There was no way they could do any sort of procedure with that infection in residence. Fingers crossed that the doctors will be able to proceed!
Putting cloth on tenterhooks so it can dry.

Tomorrow will be a first for me. Luckily, we live less than six blocks from our primary care physician because I have an appointment there. In days of yore, Denis would load my scooter on the lift at the back of the Jeep, and we'd motor on over there. With neither of us being able to load the scooter onto the lift, I'm going to have to don my hat and sunscreen, climb aboard my trusty scooter, and make my own way over there. It's only going to be 100° or so, hence the hat and sunscreen. It probably wouldn't hurt to take a bottle of water along, too.
Sheesh. It sounds like I'm going on safari, doesn't it?
(By the way, have you ever heard the expression "being on tenterhooks"? Centuries ago, people would have to hang newly washed cloth outside on tenterhooks so it could dry. Problem is, thieves loved to come along and steal their hard work, hence the folks being on tenterhooks waiting for their cloth to dry.)
Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄
►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►I ♥ Book Lists◄
►I ♥ Non-Book Lists◄
That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. And don't forget to curl up with a good book!


  1. I really hope you and Denis get some good news, Cathy! It's so hard to wait, though, isn't it? It's harder in ways than getting bad news, at times. I wish you well with your 'safari' tomorrow - hope the doctor visit goes well, too. As for me, I'm going on 'safari' to check out that cave art!

    1. The doctor's visit as well as the safari went well. I was told that (ignoring the state of my knees) I was a very healthy person. As for the waiting, I thought it would be difficult, too, but it's not. Denis's temperament has improved so much after having that picc line removed that I'm relishing the lightened atmosphere in the house. It's been a long time...

  2. I'm pleased to hear the picc line is out. Hopefully that's got the infection cleared up. Ugh! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this (that's both of you). I hope the back pain turns out to be an easy fix. And yes, take water on your jaunt. 100 degrees! That makes me feel like I want to wilt!

    1. I did take water, and it's a good thing, too, because I drained the bottle while in the doctor's office. Guess I need a bigger bottle for next time! LOL

  3. Good luck on your adventure and hoping for the best for you both. Off to read about Lake Mead--so fascinating!

    1. I wonder if anyone sneaked out to the lake to see if their particular body has surfaced?

    2. Exactly!!! Or walked by their tv in retirement community and said "uh oh!"

    3. You and I might be enjoying this too much... ;-)

  4. I hope your safari adventure went well! I am praying Denis' infection is gone and you can move on to discovering how to help him feel better.

    Having recently read the fourth entry in Victoria Thompson's Gaslight series, it was fun to read about her favorite sleuthing partners. Not surprisingly, she has good taste!

    Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

    1. So far so good with the relaxing. The mood has improved so much in this house that it's almost hard to believe.

    2. Wow. Progress. Congratulations. Hope it keeps up.

  5. Best of luck to both of you! Keep us posted, for sure.

  6. Hoping for the best for both of you! At this rate, you'll be able to do a whole post of tips on travel by scooter ;)

    Lots of tempting links this week - I have to start with that book list section before I travel ...

    1. Tip #1: If your safari is in the city, take a purse with a shoulder strap and make sure the strap secured around the steering column of the scooter. That way, some enterprising thief won't get the idea that they can do a trot-by and snatch your purse out of the basket. ;-)


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