Thursday, July 15, 2021

A Low Profile Weekly Link Round-Up


I'm trying to maintain a low profile so no other doctors can grab hold of me. So far, it's working, knock wood. 
I've been working like a fiend to get caught up here on the blog, and I'm (very) slowly winning the battle. I've also got some fodder for new posts, which is always good-- and too many good books to read, which may sound like a problem but really isn't.
I've also been trying to play catch-up with a chore or two around the house. I've finished another afghan and started another, and I've finally washed all the new ones and have them zipped up in their vinyl bags until it's time to share them with others. Speaking of sharing, I'll end this with a couple of pictures of the washed and bagged afghans...
These two belong to Denis, and I think he broke a speed record putting them away so I wouldn't give them to anyone else. (A mask hanging by the front door. What a sign of the times we live in.)

I've temporarily run out of individual zipper bags, so I stored the most recent three in a huge one I had left over from something else. Two of them you've seen, but one of them you haven't, so you know there's another While Miz Kittling Knits post in the works! And should I mention those two empty bins?

Take good care of yourselves, and enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Spend some time curled up with a good book!


  1. I hope you're able to steer clear of more medical intervention, Cathy, at least for now. You've had quite enough of it lately! Those afghans are all so beautiful! I absolutely love that teal one - wow! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to those Roman tunnels.....

    1. I have to admit that when I posted a photo of the teal one on Facebook, it garnered the most rave reviews. No wonder Denis squirreled it away so fast!

  2. I could do with a warm Afghan right now.
    Thanks for sharing your links

  3. You have the busiest knitting needles! I did notice the empty the empty bins, but imagine by now they have been refilled. On to the links...

    1. Ah, but those bins have not been filled. I have become lax in maintaining my optimum yarn capacity!

  4. Fantastic afghans. I like the three colors together in the plastic bag. And the teal is a lovely color. And I don't blame Denis for claiming his afghans.

    And definitely, keep on hiding out with those afghans and TV shows. Maybe those doctors won't find you!

  5. Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself, Cathy! I am off to look at the shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. My husband and I were just in Duluth, MN where they have a museum with all kinds of information about the Edmund Fitzgerald. We have visited it many times, but didn't stop in this time. We did enjoy time at the harbor watching the boats though.

    Hope you have a good and doctor-free weekend!

    1. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is a favorite song of mine. I hope you have a good weekend, too!

    2. Good friends own a bookstore in Duluth, Zenith Bookstore. It is wonderful. I wish I lived near it, as I'd be there constantly.

    3. I had Zenith Bookstore in my Maps app, but we just couldn't fit it in. I was looking forward to visiting, it sounds like a great place.

  6. Have a good weekend! Am super curious about the house that inspired Clue!

    1. The outside of the house looks fabulous. I'd love to wander around on the inside.

  7. I've not commented in a while, but wanted to say that I've been thinking about you and your 'doctor' experiences. Take care and hope more can be avoided. Beautiful afghans! I've been listening to Poisoned Pen podcasts as I take my new walking route here in Kerrville. Just learned that Linda Castillo has moved just a few miles from us here. I'd love to be able to see her at an area bookstore.

    1. How cool! I would imagine that you will be seeing her at a local bookstore (because I know you wouldn't move somewhere that doesn't have one). I had lunch once with Linda and four other authors after a PP event. So much fun!

  8. Linda Castillo did a PP event recently, which I saw. It was notable because she writes about the Amish in Ohio, which I find interesting. That her character finds so many victims and murderers among the Amish makes me wonder. Is it a Cabot Cove situaiton?

    1. I'm finishing up my fourth Kate Burkholder mystery now. I grew up a few miles away from a large Amish settlement. Although Castillo's books are very well written, I haven't read all of them because I keep thinking "Cabot Cove" myself.


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