Thursday, June 11, 2020

Taking a Break

Normally by this time of the week, I have all my posts scheduled for next week. Done and Dusted. Not so this week. This week I have been hit by a whole convoy of Don't Wannas.

As time kept passing and I began to stress about how I was going to get everything-- and blog posts, too!-- done, the biggest Don't Wanna jabbed me in the ribs and asked in a growly voice, "Who's makin' ya, kid?"

I don't know if it's because that Don't Wanna made me think or because I appreciated being called a kid, but I decided that I don't wanna. And I don't hafta.

I'm going to take a bit of me time. You'll have some links tomorrow without an introduction, but since I didn't have any reviews scheduled for next week, you may not see me at all. But do know this: I'm fine. Denis is fine. Our friends and loved ones are fine. (And I hope all of you are, too!) I'm just going to be selfish for a little while.

Take good care of yourselves, ya hear!


  1. Enjoy your break, I know exactly how you feel!

    1. Thanks, Cath! So far, I've spent the day reading, watching Poisoned Pen videos, and planning my attack on my non-fiction keeper case. Life is good!

  2. Have a great "me" time. You certainly give so much time and effort to your blog and readers that you deserve a blog-o-vacation.

    But,I hope you go to Poisoned Pen virtually and watch Barbara Peters interview Laurie King and J.J. Vance. I laughed so hard I almost cried. Just wonderful.

    And it may just break the budget and my TBR lists are growing.

    1. I just ordered three books from The Poisoned Pen because I spent a good chunk of the afternoon watching their videos. Laurie King and Barbara Peters are great friends, and they work off each other so well. I really enjoyed the one with Jance because she's had a "performance" thing that she pulls out for each and every event. Has had for years. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. Seeing her actually interact with Barbara was very special.

  3. Glad you are taking care of yourself

    1. It's feeling very good (and strange) so far!

  4. That's J.A. Jance. I just read aboutu her. What an interesting person, and she's written 60 books.

    1. She is a very interesting person. I love the fact that when a professor told her that women couldn't write and he didn't want her in his creative writing class, she turned him into a serial killer in one of her books. You don't mess with Judy Jance.

  5. I can't think of anyone who deserves 'me' time more than you do, Cathy. Glad to hear you're well, and we'll still be here when you get back. Enjoy the break!

  6. By all means, take a break. There is always time for a person to take time for themselves. We all need some space to reconnect with our inner selves. And you deserve this!!! Have a magical time and know we will be here when you are ready! 💖

  7. Enjoy, everyone needs to take care of themselves too.

  8. You're smart to recognize the need, and do something about it. Enjoy!

  9. I liked it when Barbara said of Laurie King that being able to change her mind "is one of her better qualities." Ouch. Well, they spent two months together traveling to Romania, seeing "Dracula's castle" for days, and more.
    The humor is priceless in all of this.
    So, I think I may have to buy more books (oy, the budget). I'm interested in Jance's Ali Reynolds' series, although I will try a few more of her Bradley series. I read your reviews of them.
    That just killed the TBR list.

    1. I watched those videos this afternoon then bought six books. I refuse to call for an intervention, though.

  10. No, don't call for an intervention. Just enjoy them. What you have to go through with your mummy wraps entitled you to gift yourself with books.
    I'll wait to read the reviews.


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