Friday, January 10, 2020

A Boring Weekly Link Round-Up

My leg is doing okay. I'm keeping it elevated, and I'm getting a lot of knitting and reading done. I won't say anything about those naps, though... With the new year, my insurance has changed, and some folks can't seem to be able to figure out who's paying for what. I refuse to let it raise my blood pressure even though talking about insurance is probably the best way to do that.

Denis has finally lost his cough, but he's getting checked out for valley fever-- something both of us had wondered about. One of these days, we'll actually spend some time doing something together that's not related to healthcare.

Since nothing's going on around here that's the slightest bit interesting, let's head out to the corral to check out those links. Head 'em up! Moooove 'em out!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • Meet Mutley, the dog who crashed a wedding and helped solve his master's murder.
  • What butterflies' colorful wing patterns can teach us about evolution.
  • A newly-discovered tiny seahorse is the size of a grain of rice. 
  • Understanding how bison might help shape the future of the Badlands. 
  • A tiny parasitic wasp named after Idris Elba hijacks stink bug eggs.
  • The dazzling marine life of the Salt Pier in Bonaire.
  • The sandhill crane cam at one of my favorite places, Whitewater Draw in Cochise County, Arizona.
  • Researchers have discovered a secret breeding ground of the world's most endangered crocodile.

►The Happy Wanderer◄
  • The Arthur Conan Doyle Room in the Toronto Reference Library. 
  • Along the remains of Route 66, road trip trash has become treasure.
  • A spot in Washington State is one of only twelve silent places left in the United States.
  • In Vulture City (Arizona)-- a once-forgotten ghost town-- haunted brothels and secret hideaways are being brought back to life. (We took Daisy there on her last visit.)

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. I enjoyed your crime book list links Cathy, thanks!

  2. Glad to hear Denis' cough is better, Cathy. And you're being wise to follow orders and keep your leg elevated. Boring, possibly, but what you need to do. Hope you enjoy the weekend. Me, I'm going to look at that Botticelli painting.

  3. And you still had plenty of time to find some interesting links! Thanks!

  4. Glad you're leg is doing better. Sorry about the insurance woes - I hate that. And I'd never heard of valley fever. Hope Denis can get some answers in that regard. You two take care and we'll hope for a better spring for you guys.

    1. Denis's doctor did tell him that he does not have valley fever. It's just taken almost six months for him to completely recover from walking pneumonia.

  5. Grrr -- those insurance companies spend more money on paying people to deny claims that to actually pay the claims. Being adament and having doctors back up your claims helps. (I've been in this situation, as I'm sure most people in this country have.)

    These links on book categories with new authors and rural mysteries and series that are outstanding are all good.

    And Crime Reads just sent an email with 125(!) new books coming out this year that are of interest to mystery fans.

    1. I saw what Crime Reads did. They know how to put the hurt on TBR lists, don't they?

  6. Yes! I haven't even read all of the blurbs yet on the Crime Read list. The slogan applies: Be afraid, be very afraid -- of credit card bills and toppling book stacks.

    1. I still have shelf space. Is that the same as telling a bank clerk that I can't be overdrawn because I still have checks?


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