Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Art Buffer: From the Ladybird Books

Art by Harry Wingfield, 1959

This week's art buffer reminds me of grade school and the Fun with Dick and Jane books we learned to read. Harry Wingfield's art was used in Going to School by M.E. Gagg, one of the Ladybird books, which seem to be the British version of Dick and Jane.

All those eager minds waiting for a story... I don't imagine you'd have to think very hard to deduce what my favorite time was during the school day at that age!


  1. Many people of my generation grew up on Ladybird books. They covered everything under the sun in the way of non-fiction subjects but also an excellent set of reading books which I used to teach my daughters how to read. They would seem very old fashioned now but my goodness did they work.

    1. Sounds much more interesting than our Dick and Jane!

  2. What I love about this one, Cathy, is the connection between generations. There is so much research that reading with children helps support their own literacy, and helps them in other ways, too. Among other things, it helps make them lifelong readers, and supports an emotional connection between the generations.

  3. Great image—I loved story time, both as a child and a parent!


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