Friday, December 22, 2017

A He Did What to That Cactus? Weekly Link Round-Up

It always bears repeating that when it comes to decorating for Christmas, Denis works on the outside, and I work on the inside. I do have to admit that I took the hedge clippers and other implements to the shrubbery out front so that Denis would be able to hang his lights, but I didn't lift a finger with the lights or anything else he did. Now...most of the outside decorating is strictly for evening enjoyment. (The new solar-powered Christmas lights are working beautifully, I might add.) I've always thought that the emphasis on darkness was a shame, so I invested in some daytime decorations for the front of the property, and Denis hauled out the ladder and put them up. Take a look and tell me what you think.

Yes, those are Santa hats on some of the arms of our night-blooming senita cactus. I've seen folks on Facebook laugh because southern Arizonans put Christmas lights on cacti, so I had to post this photo on my Facebook page to show everyone that it's not just lights that we use as decorations.

Someone asked how this could be done without the person doing it ending up covered in cactus spines. Yes, it does take manual dexterity, a good plan, and a bit of luck, but it also takes a tad of common sense: don't try this with a cactus that is covered with long, sharp spines. Denis did admit that a couple of the senita's arms didn't want to wear hats, and they bit him, but the bites were slight and forgotten about soon after they occurred (because the spines are few and very small).

Now that he's done, I'll mosey out to the link corral and enjoy his handiwork. Head 'em up! Mooooooove 'em out!

►Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • Mexico establishes the largest marine protected area in North America.
  • Super pictures capture this year's only visible Supermoon.

►Fascinating Folk◄
  • Our cloud names come from Luke Howard, an 18th-century amateur meteorologist.
  • Wilson A. Bentley, the man who revealed the hidden structure of falling snowflakes.

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. You know what, Cathy? I give you and Denis credit for ingenuity! Those little hats are adorable, too, and that looks quintessentially Arizona. Thanks for sharing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Iron Age stuff to look through...

    1. It's really not got anything to do with ingenuity-- as can be seen in the next comment. I haven't seen it done too much here in the Phoenix area, but I did see a photo on Pinterest, and I knew I had just the cactus to put hats on!

  2. In Tucson we (and many others) always put Santa hats on the top of cacti in the winter in order to protect the more fragile tips from frost.

    1. Now that you say that, it only makes sense. Denis told me that I hadn't bought enough! LOL


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