Monday, November 13, 2017

Butterflies at the Desert Botanical Garden

Denis and I saw so much during the afternoon that we spent at the Desert Botanical Garden that you'd think we went into every little nook and cranny of the place, but we didn't. We didn't even come close. It would take more than an afternoon to see everything properly at this wonderful place.

Last week I shared photographs of the offrendas at the Webster Center and the colorful Jun Kaneko sculptures that are placed throughout the garden. Today I'm going to share photos of our visit to the new Butterfly Pavilion that can be found just off the Desert Wildflower Loop Trail. If you'd like to see any of the photos in their original sizes, just left click on one of them and a new window will open automatically for you to do so.

Are you ready to see butterflies? So am I-- let's get started!

The new (larger) Butterfly Pavilion in the bright Arizona sun.

Inside there's loop to walk past flowers, a water feature, and butterflies, of course! (db)

A new-to-us butterfly-- the Malachite.

Yes, there are lime green butterflies!

I love all these flowers blooming in November!

The Monarch butterflies are always a big draw to the pavilion.

Plenty of flowers to keep the butterflies happy!

Zebra Heliconian butterfly

A Pipevine Swallowtail looks a bit drab... (db)

...until the sun hits them just right!

November's lovely in the Sonoran Desert!

This Buckeye butterfly had a death wish, parking itself right in the middle of the humans' path! (db)

Another new-to-us, the White Peacock butterfly.

And just in case you thought butterflies were the only critters we saw while we were there, think again...

One of many garden residents, a desert cottontail.


  1. These are gorgeous, Cathy! You're lucky you have such a nice place in driving distance. You're reminding me, too, that we have a lovely botanical garden not too far from where I live. I need to visit it...

    1. Yes, you do! visiting a place like that can be just what the doctor ordered.

  2. I do, too...but I would imagine you've already guessed that!


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