Friday, October 13, 2017

A Care & Feeding of Shelves Weekly Link Round-Up

It's been a quiet week here. I ran an errand or two. I've almost made up my mind to do some housecleaning. I'm still making a list of places we can take our niece Daisy to when she's here next spring. There's no hot topic I'm wanting to discuss. But rather than cut immediately to the chase, I thought I'd share a mediocre photo of the large bookcase that's here in our office.

Yes, you can click on it to see it in its original size. (You're like me...wanting to see titles on spines!) I inherited this bookcase from a dear friend when he moved in 1989 or thereabouts, and it's been in here since this room became The Office. 

I thought the top three shelves would be of the most interest to you, since they house (1) my physical advance reading copies on the top left, and (2) many of my most recent acquisitions on the other two shelves-- those books I'm wanting to read before the ones on my to-be-read shelves out in the living room. 

Hmm...I'd forgotten about that book on Fabergé hidden at the back of the third shelf, but if I pull it out to put it elsewhere, I'll end up paging through it. And I've been wondering where that candle went! (Methinks my housecleaning shouldn't wait much longer!)

But I do have one more thing to do first: head on out to the corral to get all those links ready for you. Head 'em up! Moooooooooove 'em out!


►Books, Movies & Other Interesting Tidbits◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly Mae Clampett◄
  • A wild bison was spotted in Germany for the first time in two hundred years. You'll never guess what happened next. 
  • Four incredible facts about sea otters.
  • Witness a real-life Wild West buffalo roundup.
  • Watch a seal get up close and personal with a diver. 
  • Cheetahs 101.

►The Happy Wanderer◄

►Fascinating Folk◄
  • The most interesting man in the world might just be Thomas Lannon, New York City Public Library archivist. 
  • The true story behind Billie Jean King's victorious "Battle of the Sexes."
  • Louisa May Alcott, a difficult woman who got things done.
  • Meet Stagecoach Mary, the daring black pioneer who protected Wild West stagecoaches.

►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

Have a great weekend, and read something fabulous!


  1. Impressive and neat bookshelves. I'm sure we'll read book reviews in the future of what is on those shelves.

    I love otters and cheetahs, but don't think they'd be good house pets. The otters are messy eaters, so they'd leave messes everywhere.

    And the cheetahs have very strong tails, so a few swings and everything on tables, including books, would go flying. Plus I think the neighbor's dachshund would be in danger, as the nearest prey.

    So, I'll enjoy virtual and neighborly pets.

  2. I love those bookshelves, Cathy! They're so inviting! And you have such a great variety of books there, as I knew that you would. Hmm....wonder if they have books in that ancient city that Alexander the Great founded. I'm going to go see...

  3. I think I heard something about them a long time ago because when I read "Hopewell Mounds" faint bells rang, but I didn't retain any additional information. That can be irritating at times!

  4. I live near the Hopewell Mounds. They're more impressive from the air!
    We once traveled to Haworth, but now if I go back I'll have to get to Thornton and Emily's coffee shop, too.

    1. I've been to Haworth, too, and was thinking the same thing.


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